historic maps – Friends of Glen Providence Park https://glenprovidencepark.org Preserving and enhancing Delaware County's oldest park Fri, 19 Jan 2018 00:51:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Scroggie Shingle Mill https://glenprovidencepark.org/2015/03/30/scroggie-shingle-mill/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2015/03/30/scroggie-shingle-mill/#respond Tue, 31 Mar 2015 03:56:15 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=3216

Our first clue of a mill having been in “Scroggie Valley,” now Glen Providence Park, was in local historian Dr. Anna Broomall’s 1700’s Newlywed Ghost Story – a bit of local folklore with details that launched much research about the valley’s early history, and yielded the discovery that the park had once been called Scroggie Valley! […]]]>

Our first clue of a mill having been in “Scroggie Valley,” now Glen Providence Park, was in local historian Dr. Anna Broomall’s 1700’s Newlywed Ghost Story – a bit of local folklore with details that launched much research about the valley’s early history, and yielded the discovery that the park had once been called Scroggie Valley! I gradually found more evidence of a mill in early newspapers, maps, and local history books. It turns out the 1800’s shingle mill was the site of some unfortunate events – and there is possibly even an 1864 photograph of the mill!


A millrace through Glen Providence Park?

The 1700’s Newlywed Ghost Story had this intriguing hint of a mill having been in the park: “The ghost of this unfortunate woman was for many years afterwards reported to walk up and down the valley to the west of Media along the old race bank which extended from Scroggie about as far up the valley as the present Broomall’s Lake. The remains of this race bank are still visible.” These sentences led to a determined search for any reference to a millrace (mill stream) or mill in Glen Providence Park, and the eventual compilation of several pieces of evidence that it existed!

A 1909 map shows the residence of the Little family, at the southwest end of Glen Providence Park in Upper Providence, named Scroggie. The 1948 obituary of Louis Little indicates that his family estate Scroggie “was named for an old shingle mill that was located in the valley where Glen Providence Park is now situated.” According to this, the Scroggie home and Scroggie Valley were named after the shingle mill!

1855 Close-up showing the Shingle Mill Stream that was diverted from Broomall's Run within what is now the park - to power the shingle mill near Ridley Creek.

1855 Close-up showing the Shingle Mill Stream that was diverted from Broomall’s Run within what is now the park – to power the shingle mill near Ridley Creek.

This seemed anectodal until discovering the shingle mill stream clearly marked on an 1855 map of Media, starting just below 3rd Street (the future location of Broomall’s Dam), and running along the western (Upper Providence) side of the valley, while the natural stream continued along the Media side of the valley. An 1860 map of Chester County marks the location of the shingle mill near Ridley Creek!



So what is a shingle mill, and when was it built?

A shingle mill is used to slice a section of log into tapered wedges to make wooden shingles. Before asphalt shingles, most roofs were covered in wooden shingles. You can see photos and videos of antique shingle mills in use on the Ontario Steam Heritage Museum website. Being water-powered, the Scroggie Shingle Mill used a millrace that diverted a portion of water from the natural stream. The millrace would be engineered to accelerate the water down a manmade channel through the valley, turning the water wheel that powered the sawblade at the mill.

According to Dr. Anna Broomall’s notes from 1909, in 1848 John Hill “built the mill for splitting shingles, but, owing to some deficit in the method, the work was soon abandoned… It is not known with whom the name “Scroggie” (pronounced Scrogie, long o and hard g) originated, it dates, at least, as far back as the Hill ownership.” It would seem the shingle mill caused Mr. Hill some headaches over the next decade…


1861 drawing of Scroggie house - from Anna Broomall collection at Delaware County Historical Society

1861 drawing of the Scroggie house – from Anna Broomall’s collection at Delaware County Historical Society

Media’s first fire, and a lawsuit!

The shingle mill was the location of the first fire in Media on June 20, 1851, which, according to the 19th century historian Henry Ashmead, was “the first untoward event in the infant village” (Media was founded in 1850). He indicates “There was no similar disaster until after the lapse of eight years.” The newspaper reported, “The shingle factory of John Hill, at Media, together with a quantity of lumber was destroyed by fire on Friday last. We have heard no estimate of the loss.”

Mr. Hill apparently rebuilt the mill, only to be sued by his neighbor in 1857 over its operation. The outcome of John R. Lewis vs. John Hill is detailed in the local papers. Mr. Lewis alleged that he was entitled to ½ the water of Scroggie’s stream (according to an undocumented 999-year lease), but that the flow of water was frequently interrupted by the defendant placing gates in the run to power his shingle mill. The judge ruled that Mr. Lewis had the right to only about 1/6 of the stream’s water, for the purpose of watering his meadow, and for which he paid an ear of corn annually. The jury returned a verdict of $5 in damages for the plaintiff. It is unknown whether Mr. Lewis was satisfied with this outcome.


The shingle mill location… and an 1800’s photograph?

I have found no records of the Scroggie Shingle Mill in operation after 1861, but I did come across an intriguing photograph on Facebook of a “lumber mill on Ridley Creek in 1864.” The origin of the photo is unknown, but I decided to visit the likely site of the shingle mill within Glen Providence Park to compare the landscape to the 1864 photo. This is the location where the millrace that hugged the Upper Providence side of the valley would have been funneled by topography to join the natural stream, making it the logical location of the mill. The result is similar topography, as shown in these photographs!


"Lumber Mill on Ridley Creek in 1864" posted by Harvey Martin on "I Grew Up In Media" Facebook page - origin of photo unknown.

“Lumber Mill on Ridley Creek in 1864” posted by Harvey Martin on “I Grew Up In Media” Facebook page – origin of photo unknown.

Probable Shingle Mill location in Glen Providence Park - January 2015

Probable Shingle Mill location in Glen Providence Park in January 2015 – the shingle mill would be just behind the large tree in the center of the photo

If this 1800’s photograph is of the Scroggie shingle mill, this would make the latest documentation of the mill in 1864, which, according to Anna Broomall, is the same year that Judge John M. Broomall purchased the Scroggie estate, then razed the original wooden house and built the current stone house in 1867. It is plausible that he would have razed the property’s shingle mill around the same time.

If anyone has more information on the source of the 1864 photograph, please contact us! Even if it were not an actual photo of the Scroggie Shingle Mill, it would be an example of a local mill during the same time period.

Observant hikers may find what seem to be signs of the old millrace along the western edge of the valley, bordering the wetlands. You can see the approximate location of the shingle mill marked on our 2011 Annotated Trail Map, which includes the “Shingle Mill Trail” nickname for the path leading to the mill site.

Click on the photos below for more evidence of the Scroggie shingle mill. Coincidentally, the Scroggie name seems to originate from the 1840’s, the same decade in which Charles Dickens was inspired by the gravestone of Ebeneezer Scroggie to write “A Christmas Carol.” 


  • 1848 Map of Delaware County by Joshua W. Ash, M.D. from original surveys with the farm limits, courtesy of Delaware County Institute of Science, Media, PA
  • 1855 Map of Media the Seat of Justice Delaware County, Pennsylvania by Thos. Hughes, C.E., courtesy of Media Historic Archives, Media, PA
  • 1860 Map of Chester Co Pennsylvania by T.J. Kennedy, on display in the 2nd floor lobby of the Delaware County Courthouse, Media, PA
  • 1909 Map from the “Property Atlas of Delaware County East of Ridley Creek,” courtesy of Media Historic Archives, Media, PA
  • “Burned, ” Delaware County Republican, June 27, 1851
  • “Error,” Delaware County American, June 17, 1857
  • History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Henry Graham Ashmead, L.H. Everts & Co.,Philadelphia, 1884, p. 590
  • “Lumber Mill on Ridley Creek in 1864,” I Grew Up In Media PA Facebook page, posted by Harvey Martin September 9, 2013, origin unknown.
  • “John R. Lewis vs. John Hill,” Delaware County American, June 10, 1857
  • “Local “Witches” of Long Ago Described by Dr. Broomall,” Chester Times, May 15, 1931
  • “Louis Little, Rifle Expert, Broker, Is Dead,” Chester Times, November 13, 1948
  • Ontario Steam Heritage Museum, http://woodgears.ca/steam_museum/shingle_mills.html
  • Photograph album collection of Dr. Anna E. Broomall, Delaware County Historical Society, Chester, PA
  • The Rose Tree Families, Jane Levis Carter, KNA Press, 1984
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Historical Maps! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2014/12/16/historical-maps-2/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2014/12/16/historical-maps-2/#respond Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:12:48 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=4938

For those who love history, maps, or both(!), it is interesting to track the progression of development surrounding the land that is now Glen Providence Park! We’ve compiled over 20 maps in chronological order, starting with property lines of European settlers in 1681. Early maps were of Chester County, before Delaware County was founded in […]]]>

For those who love history, maps, or both(!), it is interesting to track the progression of development surrounding the land that is now Glen Providence Park! We’ve compiled over 20 maps in chronological order, starting with property lines of European settlers in 1681. Early maps were of Chester County, before Delaware County was founded in 1789. Some of the locations and property owners play a part in the park’s history and folklore, as noted in the captions.

Most of these maps are zoomed in from larger maps, focusing on the valley that is now Glen Providence Park. Not all maps are oriented with north at the top, some are almost sideways! The best way to orient yourself is often to find Broomall’s Run, which runs the length of Glen Providence Park, and is shown on most maps.

Thank you to the institutions and organizations that have preserved and displayed these wonderful maps: Delaware County Institute of Science, Media Historic Archives, DelawareCountyHistory.com, Delaware County Courthouse, Delaware County Parks & Recreation, and Brandywine Conference & Visitors Bureau at Rose Tree Tavern. Below the map gallery, there are links and more information about each institution, along with a listing of which maps we found there.

Scroll through time below – you can click on any map for a closer look!



Media Historic Archives:
Archival material about Media Borough and vicinity – including photographs, manuscripts, and maps! Located in the Media-Upper Providence Free Library, Media, PA. You can visit by appointment, during library hours.

1855 Map of Media the Seat of Justice Delaware County, Pennsylvania by Thos. Hughes, C.E.
1892 Map of Media
1909 Map from the “Property Atlas of Delaware County East of Ridley Creek”
1941 The Nature Guide to Glen Providence Park issued by Delaware County Park and Recreation Board
1951 Borough of Media, Delaware County, Penna

Delaware County Institute of Science:
One of Media’s hidden treasures, with a wide array of collections, right on Veterans Square in Media! Open most Monday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, 9:00am – 12:00noon.

1681 Fac-simile of Holmes Map of the Province of Pennsylvania with the names of the original purchasers from William Penn – begun in 1681 (reproduced in 1846)
1683 A draft of some part of the county of Chester in Pensilvania by Charles Ashcom Surveyor
1810 A Map of Delaware County as Divided into Townships
1848 Map of Delaware County by Joshua W. Ash, M.D. from original surveys with the farm limits
1870 Plan of the Borough of Media, PA by G.M. Hopkins, C.E.

An impressive collection of documents and maps (more than we show here!) are scanned and well organized on this website – available 24/7!

1785 Township Map of Chester County Pennsylvania by Joshua W. Ash, M.D.
1862 Map of the Early Settlements of Delaware County, Penna – from George Smith’s 1862 History of Delaware County
1875 An Historical Map of Pennsylvania by P.W. Sheafer and others – Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1875 Map of Upper Providence Township
1882 Map of the Township of Upper Providence showing the Early Grants & Patents
1946 Map of Delaware County, Penna. produced by Office of Engineer of Delaware County, A.C. Throne, County Engineer

Delaware County Parks & Recreation:

1945 Plan of Glen Providence Park by J. Earl Kirk, Engineer

Delaware County Courthouse:
On display in the 2nd floor lobby by Council Chambers, along with an 1860 map of Philadelphia and Vicinity:

1860 Map of Chester Co Pennsylvania by T.J. Kennedy

Brandywine Conference & Visitors Bureau at Rose Tree Tavern:

1870 Map from the Atlas of Delaware County, Pennsylvania by Henry W. Hopkins

Personal collection:

1892 Plan of Upper Providence Township from Atlas of Delaware County by J.L. Smith
1995 USGS Media Quadrangle Map

We will add more maps of interest as we find them!

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2014/12/16/historical-maps-2/feed/ 0
American Chestnuts in Glen Providence Park! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2012/12/03/american-chestnuts-in-glen-providence-park/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2012/12/03/american-chestnuts-in-glen-providence-park/#comments Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:22:58 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=2803

This fall, we were delighted to confirm that we found two healthy young American Chestnut trees in Glen Providence Park!  At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Chestnut, Castanea dentata, was a majestic tree dominating our eastern forests. Known as the Sequoia of the east, it was one of our tallest trees.  It was […]]]>

This fall, we were delighted to confirm that we found two healthy young American Chestnut trees in Glen Providence Park!  At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Chestnut, Castanea dentata, was a majestic tree dominating our eastern forests. Known as the Sequoia of the east, it was one of our tallest trees.  It was the preeminent tree from Maine to Mississippi, and constituted well over 25% of trees in Pennsylvania!

Its nuts and wood were highly valued by European colonists, and doubtless by the Okehocking who lived here before them.  According to the American Chestnut Foundation (ACF), it was the single most important food source for a wide variety of wildlife from bears to birds.

Then the Chestnut blight, Cryphonectria parasitica, was discovered in 1904 on imported Asian Chestnut trees in New York City, and it spread across the east- killing an estimated 4 billion trees by 1950.  Healthy trees were cut down in a failed attempt to stop the spread of the blight.  Saplings still grow from the root sprouts, but they usually die off again when the saplings are large enough to become infected themselves.  But there are some larger survivors…


The yellow mushrooms that led us to the American Chestnuts

Finding Glen Providence Park’s Chestnuts- by accident!

While volunteering at Tyler Arboretum’s American Chestnut Nursery, which is led by John Wenderoth, I learned to differentiate American, Chinese and Japanese Chestnut leaves.  With John, we sent leaf samples to the ACF for identification and confirmed blighted American Chestnut saplings in Long Point Wildlife Sanctuary in Rose Valley, and a Japanese Chestnut on the Sledding Hill in Glen Providence Park!*

Then in Glen Providence Park last October, I was photographing some bright yellow mushrooms I had noticed on the eastern hill, when I looked up and marveled to see what looked like American Chestnut leaves!  There are two chestnut trees measuring about 15′ and 25′ tall.  This fall, Sara Fitzsimmons of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACF confirmed by microscope analysis that the leaves are American!  We also found chestnut burrs (the spiky nut casings) on the western hill, but have not yet located their tree…

1855 Map of Media by Thomas Hughes showing “Chestnut Wood” by the current Broomall’s Lake – from Media Historic Archives

History of Chestnuts in Scroggie Valley

It turns out it is not so surprising to find these chestnuts, as we uncovered historical documentation of American Chestnuts in Scroggie Valley, most of which would become Glen Providence Park.

T. Chalkley Palmer’s detailed 1889 description of Scroggie Valley mentions chestnuts: The northwest wall is… nearly devoid of trees.  The southeast wall is wooded continuously with oaks and chestnuts.” And he described the singing of the Hermit Thrush “…of a morning, from the top of the chestnut tree on the hill.”

Even earlier, an 1855 map of Media labels as “Chestnut Wood” the area to the east of Broomall’s Run, near what is now Broomall’s Lake.  Some of those may have been submerged when dam was built in 1883, and according to a 1905 article about the Media Grackle Roost near Broomall’s Lake, the rest were logged: “On the eastern side of the lake and stream the old “Camp Meeting Woods,” principally chestnut, was wrought up for commercial purposes”. 

By 1912 the blight had hit our area: according to a Chester Times report of a Chestnut Blight talk at the Delaware County Institute of Science, the blight was “generally spread” in Eastern Pennsylvania, but had not yet spread to the Western part of the state.

In 1915, the Chester Times lamented the near-decimation of the chestnuts and their beautiful woods: “Many of the hills in and near Media, which have in past years been noted for their beauty because of the forests which crowned them, will, before the end of the present summer, stand bare except for the disfiguring stumps, mute reminders of the old conditions.”

Japanese Chestnut branch with burrs in Glen Providence Park- the (very prickly!) burrs contain nuts

Amazingly, as recent as 1935 there is documentation of chestnuts in the park- the Chester Times described chestnut saplings on George Butler’s estate, which would soon be donated for Glen Providence Park: “A close observer of nature finds many young chestnut trees coming up on the estate of Edward B. Creighton and Mr. Butler.”   The article recalls, “In days gone by… those having nut trees on their estates and farms would have house parties and their guests would carry back to their homes baskets filled with nuts…”

While over time most of those saplings would have succumbed to the blight, we now know that at least two have survived!  We provided these historical records to the ACF, and we will continue to monitor these two American Chestnuts for them- and look for more!  We also hope to plant more American Chestnuts in Glen Providence Park, with the help of the ACF’s research…

American Chestnuts in North Carolina in 1910 – courtesy of the Forest History Society, Durham, NC

Restoration efforts:

There have been a variety of efforts to save the American Chestnut since the blight was discovered, from fungicides to irradiation.  As a result of decades of “backcrossing” Chinese and American Chestnuts by the ACF, there is now a hybrid “restoration chestnut”  with 94% American genes, but with just enough Chinese traits to provide blight resistance.  Tyler Arboretum’s American Chestnut Nursery grows trees to provide nuts to help preserve a genetic stock of pure American Chestnuts.

On a personal note, I learned that my grandfather worked on restoring the American Chestnut for decades in his retirement, which I didn’t know until after I became interested in American Chestnut restoration and started volunteering!  His work is cited in Susan Freinkel’s 2007 book “American Chestnut- The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree.”

Keep your eyes out in the park (and in your family records!), you really never know what you will find!


* I had actually been tipped off about there being a chestnut tree on the Sledding Hill when HACC Biology Professor Geremea Fioravanti of the Delaware County Institute of Science posted a photo of a chestnut burr on our facebook page!


For more information:

– Visit the American Chestnut Foundation and PA Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation websites

– Read  “The chestnut resurrection,” Nature, October 4, 2012

– Volunteer at Tyler Arboretum’s American Chestnut Nursery!

Surviving American Chestnuts & restoration efforts in Pennsylvania include:
– Natural Lands Trust’s Mariton Preserve in Easton, PA
Jenkins Arboretum in Devon

Additional Sources:

– “Scroggie,” T. Chalkley Palmer, The Student, Germantown, PA, December 1889 & January 1890

– “The Media Grackle Roost,” Samuel Omensetter, Cassinia, Proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, No. IX, Philadelphia, PA, 1905

– “American Chestnut – The Life, Death and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree,” Susan Freinkel, University of California Press, 2007

Chester Times articles:
No Known Cure for Chestnut Blight – August 13, 1912
Passing of the Woods – May 1, 1915
Relics of Chestnut Blight – Gaunt Skeletons Rear Themselves in Every Wood Tract – August 10, 1916
Unique Arboretum on County Estate – June 14, 1935


You can click on any photo for a closer look, and scroll through the photos below.

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2012/12/03/american-chestnuts-in-glen-providence-park/feed/ 14
“Witches Ride” https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/31/witches-ride/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/31/witches-ride/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2011 21:53:27 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=572 This is an actual 19th century Witch Story that takes place in and around Glen Providence Park! This story was found among the papers of the late Dr. Anna E. Broomall, who died in 1931.  She was a relative of John M. Broomall, who owned the land that is now Glen Providence Park until his death in 1894.

We have confirmed some of the geographic locations in the story, as detailed in our End Notes.  There is also a Ghost Story recounted in the same article.

For the full experience, you can listen to the score of The Witches’ Ride via archive.org, from Engelbert Humperdinck’s 1892 opera Hansel & Gretel, while you read the story!

From the May 15, 1931 Chester Times article, Local “Witches” of Long Ago Described by Dr. Broomall:

“The pumping station of the Media Water Works occupies the sight [sic] of an old Grist Mill dating back in the eighteenth century, indeed part of the old mill still exists in the present building. [1] On the other side of the old mill race the miller’s house stands, not much altered from its original shape and occupied now by the engineer of the water works.  In the latter part of the eighteenth century and the first part of the nineteenth century this mill property was occupied by an old miller named Seth Levis, the hero of the following account.  He was a well known character of the neighborhood and died about 1840, aged some 75 years. [2]

1870 map of Media & Upper Providence - shows F. Cannon house

“A little way up the state road towards Media at the corner where the road turns off up the Valley in front of Scroggie,[3] is a small old stone house, now belonging to the heirs of Frank Cannon. [4] Years ago at the time to which this account refers this old house was occupied by three single women, sisters whose name is not now known.

“It is with these old maids and the miller above referred to, that our legend is concerned.  Back in the early days of this region before civilization had turned too strong a light on things occult, the neighborhood was peopled with its full quota of goblins and ghosts and witches and report had it that the hours on the “Witches Ride,” and witches. [sic] 

“These malicious reports were to the effect that the good old ladies, armed with the bridle of a horse, would go to a man’s house at night, enter through the keyhole and finding him asleep would throw the bridle over his head with the result of which he would turn into a horse.  He would then be taken out and rode about for hours on the “Witches Ride,” and then towards morning would be driven back to his house, the bridle removed, and he would once more be allowed to take the form of a man.  There must have been some truth in these stories as many were the men who woke up in the morning tired and fagged out as by a week’s work.

“The “Witches Ride” we have mentioned was located on top of the hill west of Media about opposite the projection of Front street. [5] For many years there could be seen more or less a circular line around the top of this hill some hundred yards in diameter which was reported to be the remains of this nocturnal tract.  

“But these night excursions came to a strange and sudden stop, a result brought about according to rumor, by the following chain of circumstances.  

1810 Map of Delaware County - shows Levis property

“One night one of the old women concluded to play a trick on old man Seth.  Quietly she entered his room, in the orthodox way, through the keyhole, and attempted to throw the bridle over Seth’s head.  Unfortunately for her Seth was awake and heard her coming.  He pretended sleep until she came near and then seizing here threw the bridle over her head and was surprised to find the charm worked both ways and that his enemy had turned into a horse.  He thereupon took her to the stable, saddled her and started out upon a midnight ride.  All night long they rose far and wide over the rough country roads, until both rider and horse were fagged out.  When dawn came he put his new horse in the stable along with the other animals.  During the day he noticed the new arrival was without shoes so he led her to the black smith’s shop and had her shod. [6] The following night the long country ride was repeated, covering if possible even more miles than before.  At dawn of the second morning tired of the joke he had played on the old lady, Seth removed the bridle and set her free once more in human form.

“We can be sure that friend Seth told the story of his adventure with great relish to his friends.  Of course there were many who doubted his story, but its truth was strangely confirmed by the fact that one of the old women fell violently ill and the doctor, when questioned, admitted that he did not understand the case.  He was greatly puzzled over certain wounds on the hands and feet of the patient, which were only accounted for when Seth’s story became known.  


End notes:

[1] According to Media historian Frank Lees, there were mills near the current Aqua plant (located at Ridley Creek Road and Baltimore Pike) starting in the early 1700‘s.  Media Borough bought the property in 1871 for waterworks, which it owned until 1994.

[2] According to the 1914 A History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania and its People, Anna Broomall is remarkably accurate in her account of Seth Levis.  He inherited a mill at Ridley Creek from his father Isaac Levis in 1798, and immediately sold a one-half interest to his brother-in-law, Edward Lewis.  Seth operated the mill until 1825 when he passed his remaining interest to Edward.  Seth Levis died in 1841 at 74 years old.   Levis and Lewis are shown on the above 1810 map of Delaware County.  This dates the witch story between 1798 and 1841 at the latest!  

1909 Map of Upper Providence Township - shows "Scrogie"

[3] The house at Kirk & Ridley Creek, at the mouth of the valley, was called Scroggie as late as 1952- as marked (“Scrogie”) on this 1909 map of Upper Providence Township. In the 1800’s, the land that is now the park was called Scroggie Valley.

[4] The Frank Cannon house, where the three sisters lived, is marked on the 1870 map of Media & Upper Providence!

[5] The Witches Ride was “on top of the hill west of Media about opposite the projection of Front street”, the same location as the circular path at the top of the hill at the park’s Kirk Lane entrance!

[6] The black smith may well have been at the Minshall House, Media’s oldest house!  According to the Media Historical Society, “during the early nineteenth century, the house was owned by a blacksmith.”

We will add to these end notes as we learn more information!


Researched by Stephanie Gaboriault

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/31/witches-ride/feed/ 0
Glen Providence Ghosts! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/02/glen-providence-ghosts/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/02/glen-providence-ghosts/#respond Sun, 02 Oct 2011 18:11:13 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=424

Yes, this is an actual 18th century ghost story that takes place in Glen Providence Park! This story was found among the papers of the late Dr. Anna E. Broomall, who died in 1931.  She was a relative of John M. Broomall, who until his death in 1894 owned the land that is now Glen Providence Park and Broomall’s Lake Country Club.

You can follow along the with the locations in the story on these 1810 and 1909 maps- see our Endnotes!  There is also a Witch Story recounted in the same article, which we will share at a later date…

From the May 15, 1931 Chester Times article, Local “Witches” of Long Ago Described by Dr. Broomall:


1810 Map of Delaware County

“In the latter part of the eighteenth century a young man and woman living in Marple township decided to get married.  The nearest available minister was at the Presbyterian Meeting House in Marple township [1].  One evening the couple started out for Middletown the two of them riding the same horse as was sometimes the custom in those days.  The pair arrived safely at the meeting house and were forthwith married.  Their road to and from the meeting house was by the way of Rose Tree Tavern and down Kirk’s lane the latter at that time a rather important road [2].  On the way back from the meeting house some quarrel probably arose between the two but at any rate the man killed his wife and escaped from the neighborhood and was never heard of again.  The finding of the woman’s body was the only thing left to tell the story.

“The ghost of this unfortunate woman was for many years afterwards reported to walk up and down the valley to the west of Media along the old race bank which extended from Scroggie about as far up the valley as the present Broomall’s Lake [3]. The remains of this race bank are still visible [4].  The ghost was reported to have been seen by many people and every night was said to appear punctually at 11 o’clock. [5]

“Many years after this occurrence was found in the valley between Kirk’s Lane and what is now Media, near what is known as the “Iron Spring,” the decomposed body of a man [6].  The remains were unidentifiable and it was never known who the man was.  It was supposed by many that the repentant husband and murderer of the young woman referred to above had returned to the scene of his crime and committed suicide.

“Shortly after the finding of the body it was reported on good authority that the ghost of this unfortunate was also taking nightly walks on the old race bank.  The two apparitions were said to walk back and forth in opposite directions.  This effectively settled the rumors in regard to Ghost No. 2 being the murderer of Ghost No. 1 as they hardly would have passed night after night without some sign of recognition [7].  The identity of the man was never established.

“These events occurred many years ago and probably the nightly walking of the ghosts has ceased, as there are no reports of their having been seen of late years.  Further the path along the old mill race is now grown up with bushes and shows no sign of use.  


End Notes:

[1] The church where they wed appears to be the current Middletown Presbysterian Church, the oldest Presbyterian Church in Delaware County, which dates back to the early 1720’s.   It seems Dr. Broomall meant to say Middletown, not Marple, otherwise the couple would have no need to travel on Kirk Lane to get to the church!

[2] Click on our 1810 map and follow the couple’s route!  Start at “Rose Tree” in the upper right (that’s the Rose Tree Tavern in the current  Rose Tree Park), along the unmarked Kirk Lane (running above the word “Providence”), straight to the church marked with “Presb. M.”!

1909 Map of Upper Providence Township

[3] The valley west of Media, which is now Glen Providence Park, used to be called Scroggie Valley.  The Little family house at Kirk Lane and Ridley Creek Road was referred to as Scroggie as late as 1952.  You can see the “Scrogie” house marked on this 1909 map!  So the ghosts were pacing up and down Broomall’s Run, from Scroggie to Broomall’s Lake, straight through Glen Providence Park!

[4] We would like to investigate where this race bank may have been- and we  found record of an old mill on Broomall’s Run!   The November 13, 1948 Chester Times obituary of Louis Little indicates that his family estate Scroggie “was named for an old shingle mill that was located in the valley where Glen Providence Park is now situated”; his family moved there in 1881. The January 7, 1949 Chester Times asked, “Do you recall when George W. Hill had a Shingle Mill, at Scrogie?”

[5] Could the ghosts’ nightly walks be the real reason Glen Providence Park is closed after dusk?

[6] We will try to identify the location of the “Iron Spring”!

[7] How interesting that the ghosts’ behavior is used as evidence of their identity in life.


We will add to these notes as we gather more information!


Researched by Stephanie Gaboriault

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/10/02/glen-providence-ghosts/feed/ 0
Historical Maps! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/09/17/historical-maps/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/09/17/historical-maps/#comments Sat, 17 Sep 2011 11:44:09 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=215  

1683 map of Chester County


Like old maps? We sure do!  Here are six  maps we have found of the land that is now the park, from 1683 to 1909.  The historical locations play a role in a Ghost Story and Witch Story that take place in Glen Providence Park.  Click on the images for a larger view!


1683 map of Chester County

This is before Delaware County was created!  That’s Ridley Creek in the center, with Crum to the right, and Chester to the left. The park would be just north of the center, to the right of Ridley Creek, on the land owned by Peter and William Taylor.

Not coincidentally, 1683 was the year that land in this area was ceded by Native American tribes.








1810 map of Delaware County



1810 map of Delaware County

That’s Ridley Creek up the center, along the orange boundary line. Broomall’s Run is along the word “Providence” in Upper Providence. The park would be under the “PR”.

The road along the top of “Providence” is Kirk Lane- it was a major road at the time. There is no Ridley Creek Road shown.




1848 map of Delaware County




1848 Map of Delaware County

The park is just about in the center- the creek running along Isaac Cochran’s property is Broomall’s Run, and the road above that is Kirk Lane.





1870 Plan of Borough of Media



1870 Plan of Borough of Media

Broomall’s Run is along the Borough line at the top. When Broomall’s Run was used as the Borough’s water supply, there was a reservoir and waterworks near Orange Street, upstream from the future Broomall’s Lake and Glen Providence Park.

The orientation is tilted- note the compass rose.



1892 Plan of Borough of Media



1892 Plan of Borough of Media

This shows Broomall’s Lake, which was created around 1883 by Judge John M. Broomall to harvest ice. It also shows Third Street crossing the dam.

There is no park pond shown on this map- the pond was created in 1936 or 1937, after Glen Providence Park was established in 1935.





1909 Map of Upper Providence Township

1909 Map of Upper Providence Township

What a find! This map shows the “Scrogie” estate (usually spelled Scroggie) which gave Scroggie Valley its name.  It also shows the Palmer family property where T. Chalkley Palmer grew up, and George Butler owning the “Broomall House” at Front and West Streets.

George Butler must have later acquired the land he subsequently donated to create Glen Providence Park.



The 1909 map from the “Property Atlas of Delaware County East of Ridley Creek” is posted with permission of the Media Historic Archives.

The 1683, 1810, 1848 and 1870 maps are posted with permission of the Delaware County Institute of Science. Check them out for yourself- they’re hanging on the wall in their map room!

The 1892 map is on our own wall!


We will add more historical maps as we find them!


https://glenprovidencepark.org/2011/09/17/historical-maps/feed/ 12