historic preservation – Friends of Glen Providence Park https://glenprovidencepark.org Preserving and enhancing Delaware County's oldest park Sat, 18 Aug 2012 16:56:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 FrOG presents vision to Borough Council https://glenprovidencepark.org/2012/08/18/frog-presents-vision-to-borough-council/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2012/08/18/frog-presents-vision-to-borough-council/#comments Sat, 18 Aug 2012 16:53:39 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=2275

Background Since Borough Council’s decision to proceed with the $4 million reconstruction of Broomall’s Dam, their deliberations have turned to usage issues of the roadway, which Media Borough will maintain after construction is complete. Usage is important as it affects design. Debate has centered around the width of the roadway, how many lanes of vehicular […]]]>


Since Borough Council’s decision to proceed with the $4 million reconstruction of Broomall’s Dam, their deliberations have turned to usage issues of the roadway, which Media Borough will maintain after construction is complete. Usage is important as it affects design. Debate has centered around the width of the roadway, how many lanes of vehicular traffic and pedestrian access. No decision has yet been made, but most recently a majority seemed to favor a one-lane road with a pedestrian lane.

A Shared Vision for Third Street

Members of Friends of Glen Providence Park presented their vision for the Third Street Roadway to Borough Council Thursday night. Linda Healy, Terry Rumsey and Robin Lasersohn made the case for a community vision for the park, with the principles of:

  • Ensuring public safety,

  • Minimizing environmental damage, and

  • Enhancing community enjoyment.

To back up these principles, FrOG has determined group support for:

  1. A one-way automobile road
  2. A west to east roadway with emergency vehicle access
  3. Borough-managed traffic control with electric gates or bollards
  4. Prioritizing pedestrian access with amenities such as benches
  5. Utilizing historically appropriate materials to match the historic park structures

Read the handout presented to Borough Council – A Shared Vision for Third Street. Council members had no specific comment. Media Patch has reported on the presentation and is asking whether its readers support FrOG’s vision. Go there to weigh in!

FrOG is working with a Landscape Architecture student to create a design that visually represents these principles. Check back here soon to see the results, or come to a FrOG Advocacy meeting! Email us at friendsoftheglenATgmail.com to learn more.

If you are interested in dam safety issues as well, come to the Dam Safety Tour and Workshop on August 20th from 4:30-6pm at Broomall’s Dam on Third Street.

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