volunteerism – Friends of Glen Providence Park https://glenprovidencepark.org Preserving and enhancing Delaware County's oldest park Sat, 30 Sep 2023 17:54:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Celebrate the Park’s 88th Birthday! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/29/celebrate-the-parks-88th-birthday/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/29/celebrate-the-parks-88th-birthday/#respond Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:48:47 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=9193

Halloween🎃, October 31, 2023, marks the 88th birthday of Glen Providence Park! Would you help us celebrate Delaware County’s oldest park with a donation to Friends of Glen Providence Park?

Founded as a bird sanctuary and arboretum in 1935, Glen Providence Park remains a 33-acre haven for people and wildlife alike, amidst ongoing development of open space in Media Borough, Kirk Road and throughout the county. We need Glen Providence Park today more than ever.

SInce July 2011, the intrepid volunteers of Friends of Glen Providence Park have been working to preserve and enhance this natural and historic resource that is so accessible to Media and Upper Providence Residents. 

Please, help us continue our activities that benefit the park and the community:

  • citizen advocacy for the park land, water and wildlife
  • free nature appreciation and education walks
  • free and family-friendly Arts in the Park concerts
  • citizen science projects such as water studies and Christmas Bird Count
  • volunteer historical research, documentation and preservation

As public funding shifts, we need your support more than ever to continue our native tree plantings, trail maintenance and Arts in the Park. If you’ve enjoyed the park, and especially if you’ve participated in a Friends of Glen Providence Park event, please donate today!

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/29/celebrate-the-parks-88th-birthday/feed/ 0
10-7-2023 Join Us for National Public Lands Day! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/13/10-7-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/13/10-7-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/#respond Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:17:42 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=9144

For National Public Lands Day*, Friends of Glen Providence Park will again plant native trees and shrubs in the glen, this time on the Mountain Laurel Trail. This is our 11th annual NPLD project, working to improve wildlife habitat, reduce erosion, and beautify the park! 

Native Tree & Shrub Planting on the Mountain Laurel Trail!

Saturday, October 7
Rain date Sunday, October 8
9:00am-12:00 noon
Glen Providence Park – Main entrance
State Street

Our planting day is one of our most popular and fun events, and we are a part of the largest nationwide volunteer effort for public lands! We are incredibly grateful to Delaware County Parks & Recreation for providing funds for this project, and to the Delaware County Conservation District for the use of its Conservation Planting Trailer and supplies.

To help us plan our time effectively, and to plan for refreshments, we ask that you RSVP for this event – please let us know the number of volunteers in your party.

Volunteering details:

We will update this description as we identify other relevant details for volunteers, and we will email registered volunteers with more details and logistics.

Estimated time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Lunch and drinks will be provided for registered volunteers.

Activities will include:

  • digging holes for the trees and shrubs
  • planting trees and shrubs
  • installing deer protection around trees and shrubs
  • watering as needed

More logistics:

  • We will provide the equipment, including shovels, spades, rakes, and wheelbarrows – but if you have favorite tools, feel free to bring them! If you do bring your own tools, please label them with your name.
  • Bring work gloves if you have them.

Rain plan:
Our rain date is Sunday, October is 8 at 9:00 am. If the weather is not clear, we will post here and on our facebook wall by 8:45 am Saturday advising whether we will use the rain date.

Thank you, we hope to see you on National Public Lands Day!

Enjoy a gallery of past NPLD days in the park!

*National Public Lands Day is held this year on September 23rd, but we are celebrating two weeks later.

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/09/13/10-7-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/feed/ 0
Christmas Bird Count 2022 https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/01/10/christmas-bird-count-2022/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/01/10/christmas-bird-count-2022/#respond Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:07:11 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=8961

The Saturday before Christmas, nine of us ambled in Glen Providence Park on a beautiful, cold, sunny morning for the Christmas Bird Count. It has become a fond holiday tradition (and reunion!), with most of our group having participated in multiple Bird Counts. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their eyes and ears that morning! […]]]>

The Saturday before Christmas, nine of us ambled in Glen Providence Park on a beautiful, cold, sunny morning for the Christmas Bird Count. It has become a fond holiday tradition (and reunion!), with most of our group having participated in multiple Bird Counts. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their eyes and ears that morning!

We documented 306 birds of 25 species – with the quantity due to eight flocks of Canada Geese flying overhead. Some of our most exciting sightings were a Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, and several woodpeckers and vultures. Once again this year, the Great Horned Owl that has been calling many nights around the park did not make an appearance that day, but we heard it just the night before.

It was the 123rd year for the CBC – the world’s longest-running Citizen Science survey! Here is our official Christmas Bird Count list of 25 species for Saturday, December 17, 2022:

Canada Goose – 171
Mourning Dove – 17
Black Vulture – 1
Turkey Vulture – 6
Red-tailed Hawk – 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker – 3
Downy Woodpecker – 2
Hairy Woodpecker – 3
Pileated Woodpecker – 1
Blue Jay – 3
American Crow – 3
Fish Crow – 9
Carolina Chickadee – 5
Tufted Titmouse – 7
White-breasted Nuthatch – 6
Brown Creeper – 1
Winter Wren – 1
Carolina Wren – 7
American Robin – 22
House Finch – 7
American Goldfinch – 4
Dark-eyed Junco – 8
White-throated Sparrow – 7
Song Sparrow – 3
Northern Cardinal – 6

A few photos from that morning are below, and a video by Carol Carmon

Video by Carol Carmon
https://glenprovidencepark.org/2023/01/10/christmas-bird-count-2022/feed/ 0
2022 Wildlife Habitat Plantings at Kirk Lane https://glenprovidencepark.org/2022/10/17/2022-wildlife-habitat-plantings-at-kirk-lane/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2022/10/17/2022-wildlife-habitat-plantings-at-kirk-lane/#respond Mon, 17 Oct 2022 19:59:08 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=8900

After being postponed by the rain and wind brought by Hurricane Ian, on Saturday Friends of Glen Providence Park held our 10th annual plantings for National Public Lands Day. Twenty-six adults and teens volunteered for a combined 94 hours digging, planting, mulching, installing deer fencing, and watering, all to improve wildlife habitat in Glen Providence! […]]]>

After being postponed by the rain and wind brought by Hurricane Ian, on Saturday Friends of Glen Providence Park held our 10th annual plantings for National Public Lands Day. Twenty-six adults and teens volunteered for a combined 94 hours digging, planting, mulching, installing deer fencing, and watering, all to improve wildlife habitat in Glen Providence!

This was Phase Four of our Kirk Lane project, which we started on National Public Lands Days in 20152016 and 2019. We expanded on previous plantings with an additional 17 native trees and shrubs, and 13 native woodland plants – the complete list is below. The plants benefit wildlife by providing seeds, nuts, fruits, and nectar for mammals, birds, butterflies, and other pollinators, all while helping to slow down and absorb surface storm water runoff.

In addition, many of the plants provide food for humans – adding to the food forest we have started by the Kirk Lane entrance in previous years.

Thank you to the 26 volunteers who worked diligently all morning (and some into the afternoon!), and all who made this project possible:

Delaware County Parks & Recreation provided the funding for the plants and delivered a new bench and the mulch. Delaware County Conservation District delivered their Conservation Planting Trailer full of all of the tools we could need! Garden Influence and Redbud Native Plant Nursery provided invaluable expertise, Taylor Memorial Arboretum donated additional woodland plants, and Friends of Glen Providence Park donors funded the deer fencing and posts, snacks, two special trees, and other supplies for this project.

Additional groups of volunteers from Penncrest High School and Springton Lake Middle School provided invaluable manpower, and neighbors of the park allowed us to run a hose from their house to water the plantings. Cafe Isla donated coffee to fuel our volunteers, and Pinocchio’s Restaurant donated pizza for lunch. We are grateful to all of these people for making the plantings possible!

Here’s our native plant list from October 15, 2022.
And check out our photos (and video!) below:


Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus virginiana â€“ 2
American Plum, Prunus americana – 1
Apple Serviceberry, Amelanchier x grandiflora – 1
Pecan, Carya illinoinensis – 1
Shagbark Hickory, Carya ovata – 1
White Fringetree, Chionanthus virginicus – 1
Red Mulberry, Morus rubra – 1
American Hazelnut, Corylus americana – 1
Black Cherry, Prunus serotina – 2
Sweetbay Magnolia, Magnolia virginiana â€“ 1


Beach Plum, Prunus maritima – 1
Black Chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa – 1
Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum – 3

Woodland Plants:

Blue star, Amsonia  ‘Blue Ice’ – 2
Meadow anemone, Anemone canadensis – 1
Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis – 1
Meadow zizia, Zizia aptera – 1
Virginia Mountain Mint, Pycnanthemum virginianum – 1
‘Purple Knockout’ lyre-leaf sage, Salvia lyrata – 1
‘Salsa’ Sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale – 1
Autumn goldenrod ‘Golden Fleece’, Solidago sphacelata – 1
Zigzag goldenrod, Solidago flexicaulis – 1
Garden phlox ‘Jeana’, Phlox paniculata – 1
Beebalm, Monarda didyma – 1
Green and gold, Chrysogonum virginianum – 1

Our sign posted at the plantings
Video by Carol Carmon
https://glenprovidencepark.org/2022/10/17/2022-wildlife-habitat-plantings-at-kirk-lane/feed/ 0
Native Tree Tending & Planting! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/10/09/native-tree-tending-care/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/10/09/native-tree-tending-care/#respond Sat, 09 Oct 2021 17:01:22 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=8625

This year was our 10th National Public Lands Day volunteering in Glen Providence Park! On Saturday, October 2, 27 lovely adults and kids volunteered a combined 101 hours removing and reusing deer fencing, installing tree guards, weeding, digging, planting, mulching, and watering. In addition, eight volunteers worked on site more than 20 combined hours the Friday […]]]>

This year was our 10th National Public Lands Day volunteering in Glen Providence Park! On Saturday, October 2, 27 lovely adults and kids volunteered a combined 101 hours removing and reusing deer fencing, installing tree guards, weeding, digging, planting, mulching, and watering. In addition, eight volunteers worked on site more than 20 combined hours the Friday before, preparing the site and carrying supplies down the hill.

Over the past ten years, we had planted over 222 native trees and shrubs in the glen. At this year’s event, we prioritized the maintenance of the existing plantings – we removed deer fencing from trees and shrubs that outgrew them, replacing a number of them with tree guards. We reused most of that fencing on new native trees and shrubs! We worked in the area of our 2017 Wildlife Habitat Plantings below the sledding hill fence, and our 2012 and 2014 Streamside Buffer Plantings below the pavilion and along the streambank. We also removed 21(!) contractor bags of invasive Japanese Stiltgrass from around the plantings!

The native trees, shrubs, and woodland plants help to restore the forest, protect the stream, and stabilize the hillside and streambank. In addition to helping control erosion, the plants benefit wildlife by providing habitat and seeds, nuts, fruits, and nectar for mammals, birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. We planted 27 native trees and shrubs, and 17 woodland plants â€“ the complete list is below.

Thank you! We have so many to thank for their help with this project… starting with all those wonderful volunteers! It is inspiring to work with people who are generous and dedicated enough to our environment to spend a beautiful Saturday morning working to care for and plant trees.

Delaware County Parks & Recreation provided the funding for the plants and delivered the mulch. Delaware County Conservation District delivered their Conservation Planting Trailer full of all of the tools we could need! Friends of Glen Providence Park donors funded the tree guards, pizza, water, and coffee for volunteers, and other supplies for this project. Neighbors of the park allowed us to run a hose downhill from their house to water the plantings. Carol Carmon volunteered her time to video the bustle of activity. Keep Media Green and Media Rotary both helped recruit volunteers!

Garden Influence and Redbud Native Plant Nursery provided invaluable expertise selecting 20 native trees, shrubs, and perennials, Taylor Memorial Arboretum donated nine additional trees and shrubs, Garden Influence donated six additional woodland plants, and Patrick Burke donated five additional trees (and donuts)!

As a bonus, John Wenderoth donated three American Chestnuts, back-crossed with Chinese Chestnut pollen, which were grown at Mount Cuba’s nursery in Delaware. These were planted by the Kirk Lane entrance with our previous American Chestnut plantings – read more about American Chestnuts in Glen Providence Park and the efforts to restore this magnificent tree!

We are grateful to all of these people for making the plantings possible!

The next time you are in Glen Providence Park, look for these native plants, and check out the photos below – just click on any for a closer look or to scroll through them. Carol Carmon’s video on YouTube of our planting gives an excellent overview of the morning’s purpose and activity!


  • White Spruce, Picea glauca – 4
  • Arborvitae, Thuja sp. – 1
  • American Persimmon, Diospyros virginiana – 2
  • Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis – 1
  • Paw Paw, Asimina triloba – 3
  • Washington Hawthorne, Crataegus phaenopyrum – 1
  • Fringetree, Chionanthus virginicus – 1
  • (At Kirk Lane) Hybrid American Chestnuts, Castanea dentata – 3


  • Virginia sweetspire ‘Merlot’, Itea virginica – 3
  • Black Chokeberry ‘Viking’, Aronia melanocarpa – 1
  • Black Chokeberry ‘Low Scape’,  Aronia melanocarpa – 1
  • Blueberry ‘Jersey’, ‘Elizabeth’, & ‘Patriot’ Vaccinium corymbosum – 6

Woodland plants:

  • Dixie Wood Fern, Dryopteris australis – 2
  • Royal Fern, Osmunda regalis – 2
  • Blue Mistflower, Conoclinium coelestinum – 3
  • Hairy alum root ‘Autumn Bride’ Heuchera villosa – 3
  • Wild Geranium ‘Espresso’, Geranium maculatum – 3
  • Northern Sea Oats,  Chasmanthium latifolium – 3
  • Wild Ginger, Asarum canadense – 1

Photos by George Tate, Stephanie Gaboriault, and Carol Carmon. Video by Carol Carmon.

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/10/09/native-tree-tending-care/feed/ 0
Spring Cleaning 2021 https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/05/14/spring-cleaning-2021/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/05/14/spring-cleaning-2021/#respond Sat, 15 May 2021 01:54:00 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=8413

This spring we held two cleanups in Glen Providence Park – the 23rd Annual CRC Streams Cleanup on March 20, and Keep Media Green’s Earth Day Cleanup on April 24! We coordinated projects for a combined 78(!) volunteers who spread throughout the park clearing invasive plants and trash from the trails and stream, along with some other stewardship projects.    Thank you very […]]]>

This spring we held two cleanups in Glen Providence Park – the 23rd Annual CRC Streams Cleanup on March 20, and Keep Media Green’s Earth Day Cleanup on April 24! We coordinated projects for a combined 78(!) volunteers who spread throughout the park clearing invasive plants and trash from the trails and stream, along with some other stewardship projects.   

Thank you very much to our volunteers, to CRC Watersheds for their work organizing the cleanup at over 30 sites along the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creeks, and to Keep Media Green for organizing several sites in Media Borough, and even sending volunteers to Rose Tree & Catania County Parks!

There are fun photos of both cleanups on Facebook, linked above.

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2021/05/14/spring-cleaning-2021/feed/ 0
10-5-2019 Plantings for National Public Lands Day https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/09/19/10-5-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/09/19/10-5-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/#respond Thu, 19 Sep 2019 17:00:16 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=7994

For National Public Lands Day*, the Friends of Glen Providence Park will again plant native trees and shrubs in the glen. This is our 8th annual planting project, working to improve wildlife habitat, reduce erosion, and beautify the park!  Native Tree & Shrub Planting! Saturday, October 5rain date Sunday, October 69:00-12:00noonGlen Providence Park – Kirk Lane entranceKirk Lane & […]]]>

For National Public Lands Day*, the Friends of Glen Providence Park will again plant native trees and shrubs in the glen. This is our 8th annual planting project, working to improve wildlife habitat, reduce erosion, and beautify the park! 

Native Tree & Shrub Planting!

Saturday, October 5
rain date Sunday, October 6
Glen Providence Park – Kirk Lane entrance
Kirk Lane & Third Street, Upper Providence, PA

Our planting day is one of our most popular and fun events! We are incredibly grateful to Delaware County Parks & Recreation for providing funds for this project, and to the Delaware County Conservation District for the use of its Conservation Planting Trailer and supplies.

To help us plan our time effectively, and to plan for refreshments, we ask that you RSVP for this event at FriendsoftheGlen [AT] gmail.com – please let us know the number of volunteers in your party.

Volunteering details:

We will update this description as we identify other relevant details for volunteers. Please contact us to register.

Estimated time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Lunch and drinks will be provided for registered volunteers.

Activities will include:

  • digging holes for the trees and shrubs
  • spreading woodchips
  • installing deer protection around trees and shrubs
  • watering
  • Squashing any invasive Spotted Lanternflies…

More logistics:

  • We will provide the equipment, including shovels, spades, rakes, and wheelbarrows – but if you have favorite tools, feel free to bring them! If you do bring your own tools, please label them with your name.
  • Bring work gloves if you have them.

Rain plan:
Our rain date is Sunday, October 6 at 9:00 am. If the weather is not clear, we will post here and on our facebook wall by 8:45 am Saturday advising whether we will use the rain date.

Thank you, we hope to see you on National Public Lands Day!

* National Public Lands Day is on Saturday, September 28, but we’re celebrating it one week later. 

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/09/19/10-5-2019-plantings-for-national-public-lands-day/feed/ 0
Conservation Crew https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/05/02/conservation-crew/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/05/02/conservation-crew/#comments Thu, 02 May 2019 21:51:00 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=7824

Join us Friday mornings in Glen Providence Park! We remove invasive shrubs and vines that strangle beneficial native plants and crowd the trails, and work on other projects to support plants and wildlife in the park. Enjoy conversation and soak in the natural beauty of the glen – while making a positive impact. Conservation Crew […]]]>

Join us Friday mornings in Glen Providence Park! We remove invasive shrubs and vines that strangle beneficial native plants and crowd the trails, and work on other projects to support plants and wildlife in the park. Enjoy conversation and soak in the natural beauty of the glen – while making a positive impact.

Conservation Crew

Friday mornings
(weather permitting)
9:30 – 11:30 am
Registration required:
Email us at FriendsoftheGlen [at] gmail [dot] com

Since 2013, we’ve removed over 375 bags of invasive plants – liberating native trees and shrubs that were strangled and weighted down by vines – while beautifying and keeping open the trails. Some of our other projects? We’ve painted trail blazes, measured trail distances for trail posts, carried in native trees for planting projects, cleared branches from fallen trees damming the stream, repeatedly cleared the pond intake from blockages, and removed smaller limbs from fallen trees to unblock trails until County Parks could get in with chainsaws.


  • Please take a quick read over our Invasive Plant Removal Guidelines
  • Wear work clothes – ideally long sleeves & pants – including appropriate sturdy footwear.
  • Please bring gloves and pruners.
  • We will provide bags and any additional tools.
  • Be prepared for hills and uneven terrain.
  • We send out an email to our Crew on Thursdays with that week’s project and meeting location, with the next morning’s forecast in mind. Whether you can join us once or weekly, email us at FriendsoftheGlen [at] gmail [dot] com!
  • We generally work when the temperature is between 35 and 80 degrees.

Coming soon:

  • We’re usually too busy to snap photos, but we’ll add a few here from some past work days!

Glen Providence Park is owned and managed by Delaware County, and we work with the permission of, and in consultation with, Delaware County Parks & Recreation and the Delaware County Conservation District, in addition to consulting other natural lands managers and resources.

We take a pragmatic approach and prioritize those invasive plants that both cause the most harm and are effective to remove. We do not do structural trail maintenance or use power tools.

https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/05/02/conservation-crew/feed/ 1
Spring Cleaning 2019 https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/04/23/spring-cleaning-2019/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/04/23/spring-cleaning-2019/#respond Tue, 23 Apr 2019 21:03:05 +0000 https://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=7746

On a mild spring day in mid-April, 29 adults and kids spent their Saturday morning volunteering in Glen Providence Park at the 22nd Annual CRC Streams Cleanup! We walked the trails and stream, clearing over 20 bags of trash and invasives – and a construction roll, pipe, broken deer fencing, tire, broken concrete bench ends, […]]]>

On a mild spring day in mid-April, 29 adults and kids spent their Saturday morning volunteering in Glen Providence Park at the 22nd Annual CRC Streams Cleanup! We walked the trails and stream, clearing over 20 bags of trash and invasives – and a construction roll, pipe, broken deer fencing, tire, broken concrete bench ends, and other assorted objects.

A motivated crew of volunteers took on the cleanup and relocating of debris piles by the pond from several trees that fell in the March 2018 Nor’easters. They did a beautiful job, even clearing the heavy concrete bench that had broken when one of those trees fell on it!

We shared the park with the Media Lions Club, running the 66th Annual Great Media Easter Egg Hunt. It was a delightful morning and showed once again the great people you meet while volunteering!

Thank you very much to the all of the volunteers, to Cafe Isla for donating the delicious coffee that kept us fueled, and to CRC Watersheds for the supplies and for all of their work organizing the event – removing trash from over 30 locations in the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek watersheds!

Check out the fantastic volunteers below!

[See image gallery at glenprovidencepark.org]
Photos by Holly Hoffmann and Marcia Tate
https://glenprovidencepark.org/2019/04/23/spring-cleaning-2019/feed/ 0
1941 Trail Plantings! https://glenprovidencepark.org/2018/10/12/1941-trail-plantings/ https://glenprovidencepark.org/2018/10/12/1941-trail-plantings/#respond Fri, 12 Oct 2018 17:05:15 +0000 http://glenprovidencepark.org/?p=7611

For our 8th National Public Lands Day on Saturday, October 6, we installed wildlife habitat plantings along the 1941 Trail in Glen Providence Park! This year, 25 lovely adults, teens, and kids volunteered a combined 76 hours digging, planting, mulching, installing deer fencing, raking, and watering. Our volunteers were so efficient, they finished planting early, and […]]]>

For our 8th National Public Lands Day on Saturday, October 6, we installed wildlife habitat plantings along the 1941 Trail in Glen Providence Park! This year, 25 lovely adults, teens, and kids volunteered a combined 76 hours digging, planting, mulching, installing deer fencing, raking, and watering. Our volunteers were so efficient, they finished planting early, and cleared trash along the trails!

The native trees, shrubs, and woodland plants help to restore the forest, protect the stream, and stabilize the hillside along the 1941 Trail, where several trees fell during storms last winter. In addition to helping control erosion, the plants benefit wildlife by providing habitat and seeds, nuts, fruits, and nectar for mammals, birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. We planted 19 native trees and shrubs, and 34 woodland plants â€“ the complete list is below.

This short trail is named for “The Nature Guide to Glen Providence Park,” a pamphlet from 1941 that leads the visitor on a self-guided tour through the park, starting on this trail. You can view the PDF version of the 1941 Nature Guide, and take its tour!


We have so many to thank for their help with this project… starting with all those wonderful volunteers!

Delaware County Parks & Recreation provided the funding for the plants and delivered the mulch. Delaware County Conservation District delivered their Conservation Planting Trailer full of all of the tools we could need! Garden Influence and Redbud Native Plant Nursery provided invaluable expertise, Garden Influence donated additional woodland plants, and Friends of Glen Providence Park donors funded the deer fencing, posts, food and coffee for volunteers, and other supplies for this project. Neighbors of the park allowed us to run a hose downhill from their house to water the plantings. We are grateful to all of these people for making the plantings possible!

The next time you are on the 1941 Trail, look for these native plants, and check out the photos below – just click on any for a closer look or to scroll through them.



Chestnut oak, Quercus prinus – 2
White oak, Quercus alba – 1
Pin oak, Quercus palustris – 1
Black birch, Betula lenta – 1
Blackgum, Nyssa sylvatica â€“ 1
Red Maple, Acer rubrum – 1
Flowering Dogwood, Cornus florida â€“ 2
Allegheny Serviceberry, Amelanchier laevis – 1


Sweet Pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia – 3
Coral Berry, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus – 3
Elderberry, Sambucus canadensis – 3

Woodland plants:

Christmas Fern, Polystichum acrostichoides – 10
New York Fern, Thelypteris noveboracensis – 2
Wild Ginger, Asarum canadense – 6
Wild Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis – 8
Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata – 2
Blue Wood Aster, Aster cordifolius – 2
Spiderwort, Tradescantia – 2
Blue mistflower, Conoclinium coelestinum – 2


Photos by author, George Tate, & Marcia Tate


https://glenprovidencepark.org/2018/10/12/1941-trail-plantings/feed/ 0