National Register of Historic Places

In 2002, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission determined that Glen Providence Park is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places! This is the official list of the Nation’s historic places determined worthy of preservation. As Friends of Glen Providence Park, we could not agree more that this park is worthy of preservation!
In 2001, a Historic Resource Survey of Glen Providence Park was conducted, including a map of the proposed National Register Boundary. The report recounts George and Eleanor Butler’s donation of the land as a Bird Sanctuary and Arboretum, and discusses recreation, culture and landscaping, including the trails, fishing, night-time skating, outdoor concerts and the park’s historic setting.
The report concludes: “The park is a good example of a community park, created from donated land, and then improved upon by the WPA… Glen Providence Park embodies the characteristics of an early twentieth-century community park… The park has retained its integrity of design, and is recommended eligible for listing in the National Register.” The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission agreed, and determined Glen Providence Park to be eligible. We linked the report, the proposed National Registry Boundary, and the determination letter below.
What is the next step? It seems that Delaware County (the owner of the park) was never notified back in 2002 when this determination was made, so getting listed on the National Register of Historic Places was never pursued. We came across the determination letter when we reviewed the Bridge/Dam documents on the Media Borough website last year, and we have been sharing this information ever since. And we are happy to say that we are now working with the County to investigate attaining National Historic Register status!
What else around Media is on the National Register of Historic Places? Here is what is listed on the National Park Service website:
Dr. Samuel D. Risley House (in Media!)
Media Armory
Old Rose Tree Tavern
Ridley Creek State Park
Intriguingly, a little further away, the Okehocking Indian Land Grant Historic District in Willistown is also listed- of course we are researching the history of the Okehocking in our area!
We would be proud to have Glen Providence Park join the company of these historic places on the National Register!
You can look at these Glen Providence Park documents yourself:
– Historic Resource Survey of Glen Providence Park
– map of the proposed National Register Boundary within Glen Providence Park
Each of these documents is also posted on the Media Borough website, under the PA Dept of Transportation Section 2002 Evaluation.
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