7-13-2013 Our 2nd Anniversary Picnic!

Join us as we celebrate the second year of Friends of Glen Providence Park! It is our 2nd Anniversary Picnic, and this year we will celebrate on the lawn on the Upper Providence side of the park. The Kirk Lane entrance is flanked by these elegant stone walls, likely built by the WPA in 1935-1937 when the park was established. Picnics are a longstanding tradition in Glen Providence Park- so come kick back and have fun!
Picnic in the Park!
Saturday, July 13
12:00 noon
Kirk Lane entrance, Glen Providence Park
Rain date Sunday, July 14
UPDATE: The forecast is a little kooky, but weather.com shows 0% chance of rain until 4pm- so we’ll stick with our scheduled date of Saturday, July 13!
Glen Providence Park has been a popular picnic spot throughout its 77 year history, and the picnic area off of Kirk Lane was a definite destination. Chester Times articles in July 1948 refer to the shaded lawn in Upper Providence as the “Glen Providence roadside rest on Kirk Lane”(!) The articles indicate that there were three picnic tables “beneath the lovely old oak trees. The view commanded from the spot is very lovely over the western hills… Visitors come from many points to visit Glen Providence which is a beautiful spot.” The park guard James Stokes had personally made the first picnic table!
We would like to thank Delaware County Parks & Recreation for recently adding two picnic tables, for a current total of four for this area. It’s still a lovely spot for a picnic!
What to bring?
– At last year’s picnic, people were jumping rope on the Sledding Hill– so be creative!
– Pack a picnic basket with a lunch, and if you’d like, a dish to share.
– A picnic blanket, and perhaps bug spray
– We will provide watermelon or other local fruit from the Media Farmers Market.
– Do bring your stories and memories about the park!
To add this event to your favorite calendar program (iCal, Outlook, Google, etc.), view the event listing on our calendar.
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