National Public Lands Day Success!

We had a fantastic day with beautiful weather, great turnout and teamwork on our 3rd National Public Lands Day!
Huge turnout
Over 30 volunteers with ages spanning 7 decades formed an organized swarm of planting efficiency, successfully installing 40 native trees and shrubs in under two hours. Marcia Tate, a park volunteer and proprietor of Garden Influence, spearheaded the operation and organized us into efficient working groups.
There were four planting teams, a children’s watering team and a deer fencing team. (Touché!) See the photo gallery below to enjoy the transformation of the space.
Goal: Riparian buffer planting
The goal of the project was to stabilize the streambanks of Broomall’s Run at the north side of the pond, which has been suffering from severe erosion, worsened by Hurricanes Irene and Sandy in recent years. Native plants are best suited for this purpose, and plants were selected for their moisture-loving, soil-stabilizing qualities as well as their wildlife value. Some plants also have high human value, such as blueberries!
Thank you
Funding was provided by a Delaware County Conservation District Mini-Grant, Delaware County Parks & Recreation (additional thanks to them for a new bench and mulch), and contributions to Friends of Glen Providence Park. Several shrubs were donations from Taylor Memorial Arboretum of Wallingford, and CRC Watersheds donated much of the deer fencing. Earthwise Landscapes provided invaluable labor and expertise. A shout out to Seven Stones Cafe and Pinocchio’s for supplying coffee and pizza to our volunteers! We also thank Redbud Native Plant Nursery and Octararo Native Plant Nursery for supplying the majority of the plants.
River Birch, Betula nigra – 2
Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua – 1
Carolina Silverbell, Halesia tetraptera – 1
Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis – 1
Swamp White Oak, Quercus bicolor – 1
Sweetbay Magnolia, Magnolia virginiana – 3
Northern Bayberry, Myrica pensylvanica – 1
Smooth Alder, Alnus serrulata – 3
Silky Dogwood, Cornus amomum – 3
Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis – 3
Elderberry, Sambucus canadensis – 3
Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum – 3
Winterberry Holly, Ilex verticillata – 3
Silky Willow, Salix sericea- 6
Red Twig Dogwood, Cornus sericea – 6
- National Public Lands Day volunteers – September 2013
- Before
- Plants placed before planting
- Marcia Tate organizes the volunteers
- Paco Verin of Earthwise Lanscapes demonstrates planting techniques
- An organized swarm of volunteers planting 40 trees and shrubs.
- Hard at work!
- Swarm of activity
- Mulchers happily at work!
- Water team in action
- Water team in action
- Watering winterberry holly
- Young fellows lend their energy towards digging
- Happy planters!
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