2014 Summer Concert Series!

One month from today is the first concert in our 2014 Summer Concert Series in Glen Providence Park! It’s our third year presenting concerts at the historical WPA stage, which hosted summer concerts from 1937 through the 1970’s. We are delighted to revive this decades-long tradition of free community concerts in the park. We will present three concerts this summer: Swing & Traditional Jazz, Roots Music & World Rhythms, and a Classical String Quartet!
Summer Afternoon Concerts in the Park!
Saturdays: June 21, August 2 & September 6
with Sunday rain dates
Enjoy a late afternoon performance at the concert stage, in the shade of the centuries-old White Oak tree. Then walk 2 blocks into town for dinner and shopping on State Street! We will post more detailed information on each concert – mark your calendars now:
Swing & Traditional Jazz with Perseverance Jazz Band
Saturday, June 21
sponsored by Diego’s Cantina & Tequila Bar
Roots Music & World Rhythms with Sonoma Sound
Saturday, August 2
sponsored by Seven Stones Café
Classical music with Vivace Strings
Saturday, September 6
sponsored by Shere-e-Punjab Indian Restaurant
This Concert Series is made possible with the generous sponsorship of the Media Recreation Board and the Media Rotary Foundation. Additional funding is provided by restaurant sponsors (within blocks of the park’s main entrance!), and donations from individuals like you!
We are grateful to Delaware County Parks & Recreation, without whose support these concerts would not be possible. Thank you to Media Rotary, Penncrest Interact Club and Minquas District Boy Scouts – they “spring cleaned” the stage at Rotarians at Work Day in April! And of course thank you to our volunteers who participate in our ongoing work days, and who decorate the stage for each concert.
General Logistics:
- Free!
- Performances are at the Glen Providence Park Stage, by the main entrance on State Street in Media
- Rain dates are the Sunday after each scheduled performance
- Bring your blanket or chair, and perhaps bug spray!
- There is a parking lot at the State Street entrance, along State Street and West Street, and we have permission again this year from Penn Medicine, just next to the park entrance, to use their parking lot! Thank you, Penn Medicine!
- We encourage you to walk or take public transportation: the main entrance is just 2 blocks from the end of the Media trolley line, or less than a .6 mile walk from the Media train station.
More details on each concert coming soon!
– Read more about the decades of concerts in the park.
– Read recaps and see photos from our past concerts.
– Read about our September 2011 project to restore the concert stage.
- Perseverance Jazz Band
- Sonoma Sound
- ViVaCe Strings
Wonderful concert with perseverance jazz band
Thank you for attending!