Third Street Bridge: Design Considerations

Aug 19, 2024 by

Representatives from the Friends of Glen Providence Park spoke at the July 18 Media Borough Council meeting about the Third Street Pedestrian-Bicycle Bridge Project. A summary of our comments is below and in a pdf at the bottom, along with links to further information. Although our organization is dissolving at the end of 2024, Glen Providence Park remains a gem worth protecting.


Friends of Glen Providence Park started in July 2011 in response to the threat from the proposed replacement of a high-hazard dam and vehicular road at Third Street, which would have destroyed 1.1 serene and wooded acres of the park. We advocated extensively for 12 years to minimize harm to the glen’s woods, wetlands, plants, and wildlife. As the dam has been removed, and Media Borough currently plans a pedestrian-bicycle bridge at Third Street – with stream restoration upstream at Broomall’s Lake Country Club (BLCC) –  we have the following observations, concerns, and requests: 

Broomall’s Run is a connected ecosystem, encompassing Broomall’s Lake Country Club upstream and Glen Providence Park downstream: 

  • Project will impact water quality and  stream health in the park, and its 19 reptile & amphibian, 130 bird, and 58+ tree species 
  • The park’s acre abutting the bridge is a rich habitat with  natural springs, seeps, and wetlands, and 76 mature trees
  • County’s Conservation Easement with BLCC – meant to protect the connected ecosystem and the park – is not mentioned in the contractors’ proposals and should be prioritized

Glen Providence Park is a historic and natural resource for Delaware County, Media Borough, and Upper Providence: 

  • Donated in 1935 as a bird sanctuary and arboretum
  • Structures and trails built by  Works Progress Administration 
  • Park determined eligible for National Historic Register in 2002 
  • This historic and natural setting should be reflected in the project design

Borough stormwater management and resulting erosion: 

  • Stream erosion from stormwater runoff at Third Street is arguably one of the biggest current threats to the park
  • The resulting large downed trees and undercut trails and streambanks create environmental and safety issues
  • This critically important issue, which is omitted from the project parameters for the Third Street Bridge, should be addressed

The Third Street Project is a state-funded transportation project, with PennDOT requiring:

  • Analysis of alternative designs based on minimizing harm to adjacent park
  • Public participation in design reviews

PennDOT’s definition of Key Stakeholders:

  • Extends beyond property owners
  • Includes environmental advocates, park and trail users
  • Considers the plant and animal life in the project area

Public input is valuable:

  • Offers resources, perspective and experience
  • Fosters public support during construction
  • Informs project manager’s expectations of professional team

The public should be regularly updated on the project progress, timeline, and the contractors’ monthly status reports through:

  • Borough Website and newsletter
  • Council Workshop or Legislative Meetings
  • Special Public Hearings 



There is much more information about the Third Street Project on our website:

Look for developments over the next 18 to 24 months on the Media Borough website:

Creative Commons License
This work by Friends of Glen Providence Park is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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