A Playful Pond Walk!

Jul 10, 2012 by

What fun we had on our June 23 Pond Walk!  It was a beautiful morning, and we had our biggest turnout yet- there were at least 19...

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May Photojournal

Jun 7, 2012 by

Just call it our Birding Big Month!  With the expert help of the Birding Club of Delaware County, we added 15 species to our Glen...

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6/23/2012 Pond Walk!

Jun 5, 2012 by

Join us as we explore the plant and animal life at the pond in Glen Providence Park!  The pond was created in 1936, primarily for...

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April Photojournal

May 11, 2012 by

Glen Providence Park burst into color and bird song in April!  At the beginning of the month there were just splashes of color, with...

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Streamside Buffer Plantings for Earth Day!

May 3, 2012 by

We did it!  On April 28, the Friends of Glen Providence Park planted elegant native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, and perennials...

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4/28/2012 Plantings for Earth Day

Apr 11, 2012 by

Our next volunteer day will be exciting- we were approved for a Delaware County Conservation District Mini-Grant for streamside buffer...

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March Photojournal

Apr 9, 2012 by

What a fun month to watch wildlife at the pond in Glen Providence Park!  The unseasonably warm weather continued with the temperature...

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A Lovely Spring Ephemerals Walk

Mar 20, 2012 by

We were lucky on our St. Patrick’s Day Spring Ephemerals Walk in Glen Providence Park… starting with the glorious...

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February Photojournal

Mar 12, 2012 by

Well, at least we had a little taste of winter in Glen Providence Park!   Just a few days before Valentine’s Day, we had this...

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3/17/2012 Spring Ephemerals Walk

Mar 9, 2012 by

Join us for a Spring Ephemerals Walk in Glen Providence Park!  We’ll look for ephemeral (short-lasting) flowers, buds, and...

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Skunk Cabbage

Feb 21, 2012 by

I have always noticed the Skunk Cabbage in Glen Providence Park, but only this year did I learn how remarkable these plants...

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January Photojournal

Feb 8, 2012 by

There were some exciting wildlife sightings in Glen Providence Park this January, with this lovely Red Fox, and a Great Horned Owl...

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A Wonderful Winter Tree Walk!

Jan 19, 2012 by

What a fun and informative hike this was! It was well worth braving the bitter cold to take a walk through Glen Providence Park on...

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December Photojournal

Jan 10, 2012 by

December was relatively dry and warm- it was 55 degrees on the first day of winter!  While we did not get snow (sigh), Glen...

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1/15/2012 Winter Tree Walk

Jan 8, 2012 by

Love trees?  We sure do… which is why we are excited to welcome Dr. David Hewitt to explore the trees in Glen Providence...

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Christmas Bird Count 2011

Dec 21, 2011 by

At the Christmas Bird Count in Glen Providence Park on Saturday, we saw 108 individual birds of 16 species!  For comparison, there...

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November Wildlife Sightings

Dec 1, 2011 by

It was a beautiful month in Glen Providence Park, with fall foliage that just kept going!  There was a definite seasonal change in...

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The Okehocking

Nov 21, 2011 by

William Penn sailed up the Delaware River for the first time on the Welcome on October 28, 1682: 62 years after the Mayflower reached...

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A History & Nature Hike

Nov 11, 2011 by

What a beautiful morning we had for our History & Nature Hike on Saturday! Fifteen adults and children enjoyed the foliage as we...

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October Wildlife Sightings

Nov 2, 2011 by

From late fall foliage to a rare pre-Halloween snow, it was an odd month! At least we had some days of gorgeous weather after months...

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