12-15-2012 Christmas Bird Count

Nov 25, 2012 by

Join Friends of Glen Providence Park in our second year participating in the Christmas Bird Count, the world’s longest-running...

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Nov 22, 2012 by

Following the example of some of our friends, throughout November we have been counting down to Thanksgiving by posting daily thanks...

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A Year in Pictures

Nov 19, 2012 by

For one year, we kept a monthly photojournal of Glen Providence Park– walking through the park a few times a week looking for...

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A Bountiful Bird Walk

Nov 5, 2012 by

What a productive bird walk in Glen Providence Park yesterday!  Thanks to the expert assistance of cousins Nick Pulcinella and Nick...

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Ghosts & other park frights

Oct 23, 2012 by

We were in the Halloween spirit at our Nature & Ghost Walk on October 14 with tales of extortion, poison theft, witches, arrests,...

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10-14-2012 Nature & Ghost Walk

Oct 2, 2012 by

It’s a “historical” ghost & nature walk in Glen Providence Park!  We won’t have costumes, makeup, or...

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July Photojournal

Aug 20, 2012 by

We just passed the first anniversary of Friends of Glen Providence Park, and now we have one year of monthly photojournals!  It was...

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An Illuminating Nature Walk!

Aug 19, 2012 by

It was such a hot and humid morning for our Nature Walk led by naturalist Tom Reeves on August 4, even the wildlife seemed to protest...

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8/4/2012 Nature Walk with Tom Reeves

Jul 23, 2012 by

As anyone who has been on a bird or nature walk with naturalist Tom Reeves knows, he is a wealth of interesting information about...

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June Photojournal

Jul 11, 2012 by

June brought heat waves, thunderstorms, and a world of insects to observe in Glen Providence Park!  One of my favorites is the Ebony...

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A Playful Pond Walk!

Jul 10, 2012 by

What fun we had on our June 23 Pond Walk!  It was a beautiful morning, and we had our biggest turnout yet- there were at least 19...

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May Photojournal

Jun 7, 2012 by

Just call it our Birding Big Month!  With the expert help of the Birding Club of Delaware County, we added 15 species to our Glen...

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6/23/2012 Pond Walk!

Jun 5, 2012 by

Join us as we explore the plant and animal life at the pond in Glen Providence Park!  The pond was created in 1936, primarily for...

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April Photojournal

May 11, 2012 by

Glen Providence Park burst into color and bird song in April!  At the beginning of the month there were just splashes of color, with...

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The Song of the Wood Thrush

May 8, 2012 by

We are lucky to have the lovely Wood Thrush, with its ethereal song, in Glen Providence Park!  It is a “species of conservation...

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March Photojournal

Apr 9, 2012 by

What a fun month to watch wildlife at the pond in Glen Providence Park!  The unseasonably warm weather continued with the temperature...

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A Lovely Spring Ephemerals Walk

Mar 20, 2012 by

We were lucky on our St. Patrick’s Day Spring Ephemerals Walk in Glen Providence Park… starting with the glorious...

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February Photojournal

Mar 12, 2012 by

Well, at least we had a little taste of winter in Glen Providence Park!   Just a few days before Valentine’s Day, we had this...

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January Photojournal

Feb 8, 2012 by

There were some exciting wildlife sightings in Glen Providence Park this January, with this lovely Red Fox, and a Great Horned Owl...

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A Charming Winter Bird Walk

Feb 5, 2012 by

What a lovely winter bird walk this morning in Glen Providence Park!  We had a fun group of people, with a turnout of 22(!),...

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