Delaware County Open Space Plan

We want to make sure you are aware of an exciting opportunity to be involved in the planning for the future of open space in Delaware County, including Glen Providence Park.
The Delaware County Planning Department (DCPD) is working on a Delaware County Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan (“Open Space Plan”). As its name implies, this plan involves more than parks: the plan will address all parks and recreation in the County including municipal, public and private land, and trails. DCPD’s Environmental Planning section, in conjunction with County Parks & Recreation, is leading this three year effort that is funded, in part, through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
One aspect of the Open Space Plan will be an evaluation of the County’s park system, including existing conditions and future direction. As part of that effort, DCPD will examine six of our major parks, and will hire a firm to assist with proposed site development drawings.
The six parks for which the consultant will be preparing site development drawings are:
Rose Tree Park
Smedley Park
Clayton Park
Kent Park
Glen Providence Park
Upland Park
Mineral Hill, Millenium Park, Scott Park and adjacent municipal land will be included in a separate open space/conservation plan.
There is already a Greenway Plan for the Darby Creek Watershed in place for eastern Delaware County. DCPD will work to develop a Greenway Plan for Western Delaware County, hoping to link the county’s open spaces.
Public Involvement:
DCPD will have public meetings to gather information from the public concerning all parks, with breakout groups for each of the six major parks. This could be an opportunity to weigh in about the future of the park’s pond, which is threatened by erosion.
The first of those meetings are scheduled for Thursday, February 23:
– Springfield Township Building 4:00-6:00 pm, and
– County Government Center Building in Media 7:00-9:00 pm.
You can view the flyer for the February 23 meeting here. Come join us and provide your input for the future of Glen Providence Park and Delaware County’s other open spaces!
We will keep you updated about any future meetings, and of course we will report on the meetings and any developments. It is exciting that DCPD is thoughtfully working on the future of open spaces in Delaware County, and that they are seeking public input.
Here is what we posted on Facebook after the February 23 meeting:
What a wonderful Open Space meeting tonight! There was a strong turnout, and there was a crowd at the Glen Providence Park table! It was lovely to hear how many people are enthusiastic about preserving this beautiful natural setting, and in restoring the park’s historical features. We heard that the earlier meeting in Springfield was much the same.
Thank you to Delaware County Planning and Parks & Recreation for holding the meeting, and to all of the thoughtful, interested citizens who attended.