12-15-2012 Christmas Bird Count

Join Friends of Glen Providence Park in our second year participating in the Christmas Bird Count, the world’s longest-running Citizen Science survey! The CBC was started on Christmas Day 1900 by the Audubon Society, in reaction to the tradition known as the Christmas “Side Hunt”: whoever brought in the biggest pile of feathered (and furred) quarry won. Instead of hunt birds, the CBC would count them!
113th Annual Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, December 15
Rain or shine
Park entrance at 3rd & West Streets
In this early-winter bird census, thousands of volunteers across the US, Canada, and many countries in the Western Hemisphere go out over a 24 hour period to count birds. CBC volunteers count every bird they see or hear- which we will do in Glen Providence Park!
Researchers and conservation biologists use the data to study the long-term health and status of bird populations across North America. For Friends of Glen Providence Park, it’s a great way to sprint to the finish for our Birding Big Year– we have documented 99 bird species in the park, 83 during our 2012 Big Year!
We can look at our Park Bird List on eBird for an idea of what we might spot in December- we just refined the search to show sightings in Glen Providence Park from November to January, and found 45 species, from Pileated Woodpecker to Cedar Waxwing to Bald Eagle! You can also read our report from the 2011 Christmas Bird Count. Join us this year!
– Please note the location- we will meet at the 3rd & West Street park entrance
– Be prepared for steep hills and rugged, possibly muddy terrain
– Experienced and novice birdwatchers welcome, just remember this is an official census so we will be working- if you can call walking in the park and admiring wildlife working!
– Of course, bring your binoculars and bird guides!
Friends of Glen Providence Park will submit our results to the CBC Compiler for Delaware County. We will also post the results on our website!
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