Spring Cleaning 2015

We held two cleanups this spring in Glen Providence Park as part of our 2015 monthly events. First, our Early Spring Cleanup was triple-snow-dated by the long-lasting and stubborn winter (a snow storm on the first day of spring?!). On Sunday, March 22, there was still snow on the ground, so instead of clearing trash we removed invasive Japanese Honeysuckle and Multi-flora Rose, liberating native trees and shrubs near the Kirk Lane entrance.
The 18th Annual CRC Streams Cleanup was this morning on an unseasonably chilly day. A great turnout of 15 adults and 14 children removed 12 bags of trash from Broomall’s Run, the woods, and trails – along with a wooden pallet, lumber, and construction netting! It was a nice combination of first-time and frequent visitors to the park, and one of the volunteers clearing trash from the stream with her young son remarked on how fun it is – we agree! We enjoy making a visible difference in the park and our conversations with new and regular volunteers. The different perspective it takes to look for trash leads to fresh discoveries, like new patches of ephemeral Trout Lily flowers, and Black Cherry trees in bloom!
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, to Seven Stones Cafe for donating carafes of delicious coffee, and to CRC Watersheds for coordinating its 18th Annual Streams Cleanup, removing a cumulative 600,000 pounds of trash from the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek watersheds!
And thank you to George Tate for photographing our spring-cleaning adventures!
- Early Spring Cleanup
- CRC Cleanup “before” photo
- That’s a long section of construction netting!
- CRC Cleanup “after” photo
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