Borough Council Appoints Citizens Advisory Committee

On Thursday, January 19th, the new Media Borough Council appointed 9 community members to the Third Street Citizens Advisory Committee, to aid Borough Council in making an informed decision about the best course for the Third Street Bridge and Broomall’s Dam. Friends of Glen Providence Park requested this committee at the October 13th public meeting to increase public participation in the Third Street Bridge Project.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) will meet every Monday at 6 pm in the large conference room of the Media Borough Municipal Center, 301 N. Jackson Street, Media, PA. The public is welcome to attend, and we hope you will share your thoughts with the Citizens’ Advisory Committee. They have been asked to provide a recommendation to Borough Council by April 1. 2012.
Appointed unanimously by Media Borough Council are: Linda Healy, Letitia Jeavons, Michael Jordan, Reverend Adam Kradel, Michael Kinsley, Robin Lasersohn, Dr. Samuel Lemon, Brett Lester and Terry Rumsey, according to Media Patch.
Those who follow Friends of Glen Providence Park may be aware that more than one of our active members are on the CAC. As Terry Rumsey publicly stated at the Borough Council meeting, FrOG members are also borough residents and on the CAC they will put the interests of Media Borough as a whole first. Friends of Glen Providence Park will continue to advocate for the park and those who use it, and of course we’ll keep hosting fun events in the park, like the incredible winter tree walk last weekend!
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