1.1 Acre Project – Fall 2013

It’s our Fall installment of our photos of Glen Providence Park’s 1.1 Acre construction area for Broomall’s Dam! Wildlife loves the natural wetlands in the 1.1 Acre- including this endearing Wood Frog, which breeds in vernal pools and inhabits moist woods. Birds such as the Tufted Titmouse often bathe and drink in the historical drinking springs, and there are intriguing insects like a caterpillar with markings that look like a face.
Unfortunately there are also plenty of earthworms, most of which are actually invasive in our region! We think of them as beneficial for gardens, but earthworms are very detrimental to woodlands.
There were still flowers to be found with the charmingly late-blooming American Witch Hazel, and fall wildflowers. The foliage of Wild Ginger, Poison Ivy, and ferns started to wither and recede for the winter. You can see the progression as the foliage changes (and falls!) in the 1.1 Acre Vista photos. Check out the photos of all of this below!
For an explanation of the 1.1 Acre and its boundary, see our introduction to the 1.1 Acre Project.
You can click on and scroll through our chronological pictures below, and you can also view them on our flickr page! You can see more pictures of Glen Providence Park in our facebook albums and in our photojournal.
December 2020 update: We will be updating our website to enable our Flickr galleries to again display here. Until then, you can view our Fall 1.1 Acre photos on Flickr.
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