4-22-2015 Earth Day Event in Glen Providence Park

Join us as we celebrate Earth Day this year together with Delaware County Parks & Recreation and Media Providence Friends School! In this 80th Anniversary year for Glen Providence Park, we will plant native plant trees by the historical concert stage – a White Oak to replace the 110-year-old White Ash that fell last year, and an understory tree. We’ll have a celebration of the meaning of Earth Day, and enjoy a pizza lunch!
Earth Day Celebration & Plantings
Wednesday, April 22
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Glen Providence Park – main entrance
drizzle or shine
We will start with a short ceremony by the 1930’s concert stage, to be followed by plantings with the help of 25 second and third graders from Media Providence Friends School, a water bucket brigade from the stream(!), then a pizza lunch generously provided by Delaware County Parks & Recreation. We’ll also be joined by members of Delaware County Council, Delaware County Conservation District, Chester Ridley Crum (CRC) Watersheds Association, and others!
The Earth Day celebration is a collaborative effort between Delaware County Parks & Recreation, Friends of Glen Providence Park, and Media Providence Friends School. We are grateful to Delaware County Parks & Recreation for providing the inspiration, native trees, supplies, digging(!), and pizza, and to CRC Watersheds for the deer fencing!
Three years ago for Earth Day, we planted our first native trees and shrubs for a streamside buffer in Glen Providence Park. It is nice to officially celebrate Earth Day again.
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