Great Greenways, Part 2: Radnor

Greenways in PA? You betcha.
One of the most obvious local greenways is the Radnor Trail.
While it seems so established now, not too long ago, folks in Radnor were worried that the trail would attract crime and be unsafe. In fact, the opposite has happened. It has become a well-used family-oriented path, and has actually increased home values in the area. Now locals want to expand the trail!
The Radnor Trail has access for emergency vehicles only, much like we are proposing in Media.
I work in Wayne and try to walk along the trail when I can. It’s so nice and a quiet break from all of the cars. I know it has improved proprty values for sure. How about a Riddley Creek trail system? Oh wait, the Republicans in Upper Providence crushed that brilliant plan a couple of years ago. Sad.