Spring Cleaning 2017

We had an amazing turnout at our two cleanups this spring in Glen Providence Park! First, 27 volunteers removed 19 bags of trash at our rain-dated Early Spring Cleanup on March 25. Holding a cleanup early in the season enables us to see and access trash that has blown into the woods, before the vegetation obscures it – our yield this year was 19 bags.
Despite the threat of rain, there was an even larger turnout for the 20th Annual CRC Streams Cleanup on Earth Day, April 22! An amazing group of 32 adults and 12 children, including Girl Scout Troop #516 from Media Elementary School, cleared trash and invasive plants from the trails and stream. Our yield was 16 bags, and assorted items including pipe sections, an old wagon, and a bed frame. It started to drizzle just as we were finishing.
Thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers, to Seven Stones Cafe for donating carafes of delicious coffee, and to CRC Watersheds for coordinating its 20th Annual Streams Cleanup – removing trash from 30 locations in the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek watersheds!
Click on any photo for a closer look! Photos by George Tate, Marcia Tate, Holly Hoffmann, and Girl Scout Troop #516.
- Early Spring Cleanup
- After at the Kirk Lane entrance
- After at the main entrance
- CRC Streams Cleanup
- Girl Scout Troop #516!
- Cleaning the stream…
- Girl Scouts!
- After at the main entrance
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