1-20-2018 The Forest in Winter

Join certified arborist Mike Rolli for a walk through the winter woods in Glen Providence Park! Those who attended our Fall Tree Walk in November know the remarkable depth and breadth of Mike’s knowledge of our local trees and plants, and the fascinating details he shares. He has worked on an extensive botanical survey of the species to be found in the glen. We are delighted to have Mike lead another walk!
The Forest in Winter
Saturday, January 20
Main entrance, 550 West State Street, Media
Rain date Sunday, January 21
- Free!
- Meet at main entrance on West State Street, Media
- As always, kids are welcome!
- Estimated time: 2 hours
- Be prepared for steep hills, and uneven (possibly wet or snowy) terrain: wear your hiking shoes, and bring a hiking pole if you use one.
- Binoculars and nature guides encouraged.
- If the weather is questionable, we will post on our website and Facebook by noon on Saturday whether we will use the rain date.
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