Water Monitoring in Broomall’s Run
Several Friends of Glen Providence Park citizen scientists recently gathered in the park to test a water sample for a number of factors which indicate stream health.
Broomall’s Run, a tributary of Ridley Creek, enters the park at Third Street and exits close to Baltimore Pike. Until recently the stream was dammed, creating an artificial lake on the Broomall’s Lake Country Club property adjacent to the park. Part of the stream is currently directed through a manmade pond within the park.
The water collected was tested on-site for temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, pH, phosphates and turbidity. Future testing will include coliform bacteria and macroinvertebrates.
The Friends of Glen Providence Park hope to understand how the stream compares with other water sources in the Commonwealth. In addition, area residents are curious about the impact of stormwater runoff which can also be impacted by pesticide and herbicide use in developed areas of the Borough.
The nonprofit organization, created to preserve and enhance the county’s first public park, is planning to continue periodic testing in various areas of the stream. Additional volunteers are welcome – please email us at FriendsoftheGlen [at] gmail [dot] com if you’re interested!

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