8-20-12 Dam Safety Tour and Workshop

Aug 3, 2012 by

Since the current Third Street Dam will not be reconstructed for at least two years due to the State’s Local Bridge Program...

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7/26/2012 Envision the Greenway

Jul 18, 2012 by

You are invited to participate in a special meeting of the Friends of Glen Providence Park Third Street Greenway/Dam...

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Media Borough Council vote on the 3rd Street Bridge/Dam

May 30, 2012 by

As we reported on our Facebook page on May 17: We are disappointed to report that in a 5-2 vote, Media Borough Council voted to...

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What does dam removal look like?

May 6, 2012 by

Friends of Glen Providence Park, after carefully doing research and weighing the evidence, has decided to fully support dam removal...

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5/10/2012 Final Special Meeting on 3rd Street Project

May 3, 2012 by

Media Borough Council has called for one final Special Meeting to seek input on the Third Street Project, before they vote on the...

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CAC Report: public opinion on the 3rd Street Project

Apr 11, 2012 by

What follows is our Letter to the Editor about the Citizens Advisory Committee Report on the 3rd Street Project. We encourage you...

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Tree Mapping

Feb 28, 2012 by

Our latest citizen science project is an exciting one- we are tree mapping the park!  Glen Providence Park was dedicated as a...

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Dam Removal & Stream Restoration

Feb 26, 2012 by

Last November, PennDOT met with Media Borough Council members and clarified that PennDOT’s funding for 80% of the 3rd Street...

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History of 3rd Street Bridge/Dam

Feb 20, 2012 by

The history of the 3rd Street Bridge/Dam project is complicated. In order to give some context for those interested in the project, we...

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Borough Council Appoints Citizens Advisory Committee

Jan 23, 2012 by

On Thursday, January 19th, the new Media Borough Council appointed 9 community members to the Third Street Citizens Advisory...

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3rd Street Bridge: The Current Options

Dec 13, 2011 by

In the past couple of months, information has come forward that has shifted the possibilities for the 3rd Street Bridge and Dam. It is...

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Annotated Trail Map!

Nov 18, 2011 by

It’s our historically annotated trail map!  These are not official trail and place names- they are whimsical names based on our...

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Upcoming Changes: Pond & Wetlands

Oct 28, 2011 by

In the next few years, there will be some permanent changes to the park’s pond and wetlands.  This is an outline of the...

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Q&A about the Bridge/Dam

Oct 6, 2011 by

Be informed!  The 3rd Street Bridge/Dam Public Hearing is Thursday, 10/13.  If you care about the design of the bridge/dam and its...

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10-10-2011 Meeting

Oct 4, 2011 by

Get involved!  Help us prepare for Media Borough’s October 13th Bridge/Dam Public Meeting!    Friends of the Glen...

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10-1-2011 Community canvass day!

Sep 28, 2011 by

Help the Friends of Glen Providence Park build community support for creating a pedestrian and bicycle greenway across the Third...

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There’s more on facebook!

Sep 20, 2011 by

Two months ago today, we made our online debut on facebook.  Since then, we have learned so much about the park’s rich history...

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10-13-2011 Bridge/Dam Public Meeting

Sep 18, 2011 by

This is it!  If you would like your questions answered or your opinion heard, this meeting is your chance.  Join Friends of Glen...

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Prepare for the Special Meeting!

Sep 14, 2011 by

There is an additional Special Meeting about the 3rd Street Bridge/Dam on Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 pm.  In the mean time, the...

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