7/28/2012 Picnic in the Park

Jul 19, 2012 by

Join us as we celebrate the first year of Friends of Glen Providence Park… with a picnic!  We can’t think of of a more...

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April Photojournal

May 11, 2012 by

Glen Providence Park burst into color and bird song in April!  At the beginning of the month there were just splashes of color, with...

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The Song of the Wood Thrush

May 8, 2012 by

We are lucky to have the lovely Wood Thrush, with its ethereal song, in Glen Providence Park!  It is a “species of conservation...

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The Great Media Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 27, 2012 by

The Great Media Easter Egg Hunt is Glen Providence Park’s longest-running event… the Egg Hunt has been held on the...

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A Lovely Spring Ephemerals Walk

Mar 20, 2012 by

We were lucky on our St. Patrick’s Day Spring Ephemerals Walk in Glen Providence Park… starting with the glorious...

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History of 3rd Street Bridge/Dam

Feb 20, 2012 by

The history of the 3rd Street Bridge/Dam project is complicated. In order to give some context for those interested in the project, we...

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National Register of Historic Places

Feb 10, 2012 by

In 2002, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission determined that Glen Providence Park is eligible for the National Register...

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December Photojournal

Jan 10, 2012 by

December was relatively dry and warm- it was 55 degrees on the first day of winter!  While we did not get snow (sigh), Glen...

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1/15/2012 Winter Tree Walk

Jan 8, 2012 by

Love trees?  We sure do… which is why we are excited to welcome Dr. David Hewitt to explore the trees in Glen Providence...

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It’s A Wonderful Life… at Glen Providence Park!

Dec 25, 2011 by

An amazing 1933 account of a girl rescuing her younger sister from icy water at Broomall’s Dam is remarkably similar to that of...

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Christmas Bird Count 2011

Dec 21, 2011 by

At the Christmas Bird Count in Glen Providence Park on Saturday, we saw 108 individual birds of 16 species!  For comparison, there...

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Ebenezer… Scroggie?

Dec 4, 2011 by

What do Glen Providence Park and Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol have in common?  Origins in the name Scroggie, of course! ...

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The Okehocking

Nov 21, 2011 by

William Penn sailed up the Delaware River for the first time on the Welcome on October 28, 1682: 62 years after the Mayflower reached...

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Annotated Trail Map!

Nov 18, 2011 by

It’s our historically annotated trail map!  These are not official trail and place names- they are whimsical names based on our...

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A History & Nature Hike

Nov 11, 2011 by

What a beautiful morning we had for our History & Nature Hike on Saturday! Fifteen adults and children enjoyed the foliage as we...

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“Witches Ride”

Oct 31, 2011 by

This is an actual 19th century Witch Story that takes place in and around Glen Providence Park! This story was found among the papers...

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11-5-2011 History & Nature Walk

Oct 27, 2011 by

Join us as we hike through the park during this beautiful time of year, and learn about the park’s history and nature! Saturday,...

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Birdwatching: A Park Bird List!

Oct 26, 2011 by

Are you an experienced birdwatcher? New to birdwatching? Either way, Glen Providence Park is a great place to enjoy the hobby…...

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Stepping Stones & Springs!

Oct 17, 2011 by

At our first clean-up, we helped reclaim the park’s historical concert stage.   On Saturday, FrOG helped reclaim more of the...

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10-15-2011 Clean-up & History Reclamation

Oct 9, 2011 by

At our first clean-up event, we helped reclaim the park’s concert stage, which was used from 1937 until at least the...

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