11-5-2011 History & Nature Walk

Join us as we hike through the park during this beautiful time of year, and learn about the park’s history and nature!
Saturday, November 5
9:30-11:00 am
We will share some surprising history and quirky tales from the park’s past, and from before the park was established.
Along the way, we will point out interesting native and invasive plants, and look for wildlife!
And we may just talk about the locations from the park’s Ghost and Witch Stories… dependent on the age of any children who attend!
We will also provide copies of our historically annotated trail map of the park.
Approximate distance: 1 mile
Approximate time: 1.5 hours
Meet us at the main entrance on State Street. We will start our history intro at 9:35 sharp!
Be prepared for steep hills, and uneven (possibly wet) terrain: wear your hiking shoes, and bring a hiking pole if you use one! And binoculars are always a good idea- it is a bird sanctuary, after all!
At our first 2 events, we cleaned up the park and reclaimed pieces of the park’s history. Now it’s time for some fun!
Rain date:
Sunday, November 6
9:30-11:00 am
If weather is questionable on Saturday morning, we will post on our facebook wall by 9:00 am whether we will use the rain date.
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