11-7-2015 Tree Walk for Kids!

Oct 29, 2015 by

Join us as we explore the amazing variety of trees in Glen Providence Park! There are over 50 species of trees in Glen Providence...

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8-8-2015 Stream Life Exploration for Kids!

Jul 24, 2015 by

Join us for Stream Life Exploration in Broomall’s Run! Media Providence Friends School science teacher Holly Hoffmann will lead...

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Monthly Nature Walks in 2015

Jul 21, 2015 by

We have monthly nature walks (or volunteer days) in Glen Providence Park, year-round! We’ve documented our Winter Bird Walk in...

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5-3-2015 Spring Nature Walk

Apr 20, 2015 by

Join us for a nature walk in Glen Providence Park, during one of its most beautiful months! We will be led by local birder and...

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4-22-2015 Earth Day Event in Glen Providence Park

Apr 17, 2015 by

Join us as we celebrate Earth Day this year together with Delaware County Parks & Recreation and Media Providence Friends School!...

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Spring-Summer 2014 Photojournal

Mar 20, 2015 by

After a long, cold, snowy winter, 2014 brought a later spring than usual in Glen Providence Park – it snowed as late as St....

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2-21-2015 80th Anniversary History & Nature Walk

Feb 5, 2015 by

Join us for a winter nature and history walk in the 80th Anniversary year for Glen Providence Park! George and Eleanor Butler donated...

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80th Anniversary for Glen Providence Park!

Jan 15, 2015 by

In the summer of 1935, George and Eleanor Butler donated the land for Glen Providence Park, the first park established by Delaware...

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Christmas Bird Count 2014

Jan 7, 2015 by

In December, we participated in our fourth Christmas Bird Count (CBC) in Glen Providence Park! While it was completely overcast...

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Winter 2013-2014 Photojournal

Dec 18, 2014 by

It was a winter wonderland in Glen Providence Park last year! Pennsylvania Woolly bear caterpillars had “predicted” last...

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12-20-2014 Christmas Bird Count

Dec 1, 2014 by

Join Friends of Glen Providence Park in our 4th year participating in the Christmas Bird Count, the world’s longest-running...

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27 Days of Thanks

Nov 27, 2014 by

Throughout November, we have been counting down to Thanksgiving by posting daily thanks on Facebook. There is some overlap with our...

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Scavenger Hunt Recap

Nov 26, 2014 by

Did you find a painted fairy and a golden knight in Glen Providence Park on Sunday afternoon, October 12? If you were one of nearly...

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Geology Walk Recap

Nov 24, 2014 by

We had a fantastic turnout on a beautiful morning on November 8 for a fun geology tour of Glen Providence Park! With humor and...

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Diatoms in Scroggie Run!

Oct 23, 2014 by

In another intriguing piece of Glen Providence Park history, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia has a collection of early...

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A Summer Herpetology Walk

Oct 21, 2014 by

What a lovely, unseasonably cool summer morning for our fun Herpetology Walk in Glen Providence Park on August 9! Kyle Loucks led the...

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A Pond Walk in Summer

Oct 17, 2014 by

On June 28, a beautiful early summer day, environmental science and biology teacher Aura Lester delighted an audience of 18 children...

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11-8-2014 Geology Walk

Oct 15, 2014 by

Join us for a geology tour of Glen Providence Park! Charles Randall will explain the geological history of the area, and he’ll...

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Native Plants for National Public Lands Day!

Oct 14, 2014 by

What a wonderful turnout and beautiful morning for our 4th National Public Lands Day! On September 27, three dozen adults, teens,...

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Fall 2013 Photojournal

Oct 13, 2014 by

Fall is such a beautiful season in Glen Providence Park, and after record rainfall in summer 2013, last autumn was relatively free of...

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