3-15-2014 Early Spring Cleanup!

Join us for our Early Spring Cleanup in Glen Providence Park! This is the first of our three main volunteer days we have scheduled this year: the next two are CRC Watersheds Annual Streams Cleanup on May 3, and National Public Lands Day on September 27. We also have regular Invasive Plant Removal Days – see our 2014 Schedule of Events for more information on our volunteer days and nature walks!
Early Spring Clean-up!
Saturday, March 15
rain date Sunday, March 16
Glen Providence Park – main entrance
Please register by emailing FriendsoftheGlen[AT]gmail[DOT]com so we can plan for project teams.
Depending on conditions with the stream level, mud, and remaining snow, we will have a few possible projects including those listed below- you can choose where you want to help!
- Invasives Removal! Help keep the trails clear and give the native plants some room to grow.
- Large trash: Now that the snow is melting, we will check to see if there are any remaining tires or other large items that were hidden last year.
- Trail Cleanup: Of course, there is always trash clean-up- early spring is a good time to tackle trash that has blown into odd spots, before the vegetation grows!
- Stream Cleanup: Those with waterproof foot gear can help clear any debris from the stream bank.
Meet at the Glen Providence Park main entrance on West State Street in Media at 9:00 am. Bring gloves if you have them. Additional gloves generously provided by CRC Watersheds Association. We recommend long pants and long sleeves to protect against poison ivy, ticks, and thorns.
- If you’d like to tackle trash along the streambank, wear water proof boots!
- If you’d like to help remove invasives, bring pruners if you have them.
- If you’d like to help remove large trash, bring a shovel!
Rain plan:
Our rain date is Sunday, March 16 at 9:00 am. If the weather is not clear, we will post here and on our facebook wall by 8:45 am Saturday advising whether we will use the rain date.
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