Invasive Plant Removal!

We are excited to start our latest project in Glen Providence Park- to tackle the invasive plants that are crowding out native species! If there’s one thing that drives us crazy, it’s when thorny invasives start to overtake a path. As we learned during our Invasives Removal project on National Public Lands Day, it is gratifying to remove full bags of these pesky plants, leaving clearer and more beautiful trails behind! We will also work to liberate our lovely native trees and shrubs from strangling invasive vines.
Invasives Removal
Moving to Fridays…
9:00am-12:00 noon
Registration required
Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers (WRV) website has an excellent explanation of invasive plants, and descriptions of the origin of many of the invasive plants we contend with locally: “Invasive plants are plants that grow aggressively and spread rapidly displacing native plant species. Most invasive plants (and animals) have little or no predators to control their populations. The rapid growth and spread of invasive plants make them difficult to control.” Ron Brzowski will use his experience working to combat invasives at Tyler Arboretum to lead us in our efforts in Glen Providence Park.
– Please wear work clothes, including appropriate sturdy footwear.
– Please bring gloves and pruners.
– We will provide bags.
– Be prepared for hills and uneven terrain.
– Let us know if you will be joining us, so we can let you know where to meet and alert you to any change of plans due to weather! Email us at
Join us for good conversation and enjoy the natural beauty of the park’s plants and wildlife- while making a difference! We may adjust our schedule as we go, and possibly add some weekend dates, so check back for updates.
Here are our prime targets, with descriptions from the WRV website:
– Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora: Our #1 target in Glen Providence Park, this shrub originated from Asia. It was introduced in 1866 as an ornamental rose. In the 1930’s, the plant was used as erosion control(!). It is especially prevalent on the Shingle Mill Trail.
– Wineberry, Rubus phoenicolasius: This member of the raspberry family originated from Asia. It was introduced in the 1890’s for its berries. It is easily identified by its red, hairy/thorny stems.
– Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica: This vine was introduced from Eastern Asia in the 1800’s as an ornamental plant. It was also used for erosion control and to promote wildlife. Early records of Glen Providence Park indicate that people were already combating this in the park in the 1930’s!
– Oriental bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus: This vine originated in Asia. It was introduced in the 1860’s as an ornamental plant. Its seed is spread by birds and people. It is a popular ornamental plant for wreaths and other decorations.
4/6/2013 update: We are moving the day of the week from 2nd & 4th Thursdays to Friday mornings.
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