2/5/2012 Winter Bird Walk

You just never know what birds you’ll see in Glen Providence Park in winter… we recently saw this Great Horned Owl! Other winter sightings in the park have included the Pileated Woodpecker, Great Blue Heron, and Bald Eagle. To see the full list of likely suspects, check the Glen Providence Park winter bird list we created on eBird. You can help us add to that list- join us for a…
Winter Bird Walk
in Glen Providence Park!
Sunday, February 5
Park entrance at 3rd & West Streets in Media
This bird walk will be led by Al Guarente of the Birding Club of Delaware County. Al started birding when he was 13, which is displayed by his inspiring birding skill: in the time it takes me to focus my binoculars on one bird, he can identify several birds by sight or sound!
Al has contributed his skills to ornithology and birding for years, including serving on the Pennsylvania Ornithological Records Committee, and cofounding the Birding Club of Delaware County in 1998. He has been an eBird reviewer for 2 years, which is how we met him.
Al’s generosity continues today- when we asked him last fall what he thought about our idea to do a Birding Big Year for Glen Providence Park, he not only encouraged us, he announced our Birding Big Year before we did!
Whether you are a novice or experienced birder, come explore the park with us, and help us increase our numbers for our Birding Big Year!
Estimated distance: 1-1.5 miles
Estimated time: 1.5 hours
Be prepared for steep hills, and uneven (possibly wet) terrain: wear your hiking shoes, and bring a hiking pole if you use one… and of course binoculars!
To add this event to your favorite calendar program (iCal, Outlook, Google, etc.), view the event listing on our calendar.
After tallying the park’s birds, Al will continue the bird walk at Millennium Trail at Memorial Park, just south of Glen Providence Park.
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