3-12-2013 Open Space Plan Public Forum

There is an exciting and important upcoming meeting that impacts future plans for Glen Providence Park. Last year, we told you about Delaware County’s proposed Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan, also known as the Open Space Plan. This is a joint project of Delaware County Council, the County Planning Department (DCPD), and the County Parks Department.
As part of this effort, DCPD will complete site development drawings for six of our major parks, including Glen Providence Park. A vital piece of the process is public input. So gather your thoughts and ideas about this lovely park, and please join us at the next meeting:
Open Space Plan Public Forum
Tuesday, March 12
7-8:30 p.m.
County Council Meeting Room, Court House, Media
(entrance is from Orange Street)
The County has solicited input through public meetings in February 2012, and through an online survey last summer. This forum on March 12 will focus on the results of that survey, and will provide the public with an opportunity to preview and comment on drafts of long-term site development drawings prepared for Glen Providence Park and five of the County’s other major parks.
We believe those site drawings will include a proposal for what to do about the erosion and sustainability issues around Glen Providence Park’s pond. In 2011, we wrote about the issues with the pond in Upcoming Changes: Pond & Wetlands.
You can read more about the Open Space Plan and read the full details about the Public Forum on the County’s website.
The County has put a lot of work and thoughtful planning into this process. Please join us and participate in this important meeting!
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