4-6-2013 A 1941 Nature Guide & Spring Ephemerals Walk!

See Glen Providence Park through the eyes of a park ranger from 1941! We were intrigued during our historical research to find this June 7, 1941 Chester Times article describing a Nature Guide to Glen Providence Park. We were delighted and amazed a year later to find a copy of the guide in a box at the Media Historic Archives! Join us as we follow the trail described by this 1941 Nature Guide, and compare and identify specific plants and features described in it!
1941 Nature Guide & Ephemerals Walk
Saturday, April 6
10:00am-12:00 noon
Rain date Sunday, April 7
Main entrance on State Street in Media
Being early spring, we will also look for native ephemeral (short-lasting) flowers, buds, and other signs of this late-arriving Spring. Some of those ephemerals are described in the 1941 Nature Guide! Of course we’ll look out for wildlife- on last year’s Spring Ephemerals Walk on St. Patrick’s Day, we saw Pickerel Frogs, and the American Toads were out in force on the first day of spring in 2012. It will be interesting to see how their timing compares in this colder Spring.
Our friends from Transition Town Media will be joining us- they have included this in their new weekly hikes!
Estimated distance: 1-1.5 miles
Estimated time: 2 hours
We’ll be crossing Broomall’s Run as close as we can to where long-fallen footbridges once stood, so be prepared for stream crossings, steep hills, and uneven (possibly muddy) terrain: wear sturdy walking shoes, bring a hiking pole if you use one, and you never know when you’ll want binoculars!
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