Spring Cleaning… and Art!

May 12, 2016 by

We held two cleanups this spring in Glen Providence Park as part of our 2016 monthly events. First, it was a cold (but beautiful) morning for our Early Spring Cleanup on March 5! This early spring cleanup enables us to see and access trash that has blown into the woods, before the vegetation obscures it – our yield this year was 6 bags.

We had a great turnout, and resulting haul, from the 19th Annual CRC Streams Cleanup on April 30! There were at least 22 adults and 11 kids clearing trash and invasive plants from the trails and stream, in addition to weeding and mulching our streamside buffer plantings. Our yield was 9 bags of trash, 8 bags of weeds and invasives, and assorted items including lumber, a railing, a cooler, a truck brake drum, cables, wires, and a vintage milk crate!

New this year, the CRC Cleanup was followed by nature-inspired art by the stage – a free art project run by Art For Everyone. Kids and adults used paint and yarn to transform sticks and rocks into art – some of the whimsical creations were left to adorn the park. It was a lovely addition to the event! 

Thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers, to Seven Stones Cafe for donating carafes of delicious coffee, to Art For Everyone for the wonderful art project, and to CRC Watersheds for coordinating its 19th Annual Streams Cleanup, removing a cumulative 600,000 pounds of trash from the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek watersheds!

Click on any photo for a closer look! Photos by Shannon Davidson, Holly Hoffmann, and Marcia Tate. 

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