3-22-2015 (Snow date!) Early Spring Cleanup

Join us for our Early Spring Cleanup in Glen Providence Park! This is the first of our three main volunteer days we have scheduled this year: the next two are CRC Watersheds Annual Streams Cleanup on April 25, and National Public Lands Day on September 26. We also have regular Invasive Plant Removal days – see our 2015 Schedule of Events for more information!
Early Spring Clean-up!
Sunday, March 22
(originally Saturday, March 21)
10:00am – 12:00 noon
Glen Providence Park – main entrance
Please register by emailing FriendsoftheGlen [AT] gmail.com so we can plan for project teams.
SNOW DATE: Friday’s snow will make it tricky to see any trash, so we will use our Sunday “rain date” to allow Saturday’s warmer temperatures to melt off some snow! We’ll meet at 10:00am Sunday at the main entrance…
Depending on conditions with the stream level, mud, and remaining snow, we will have a few possible projects including those listed below- you can choose where you want to help!
- Invasives Removal! Help keep the trails clear and give the native plants some room to grow.
- Large trash: Now that the snow is melting, we will check to see if there are any remaining tires or other large items that were hidden last year.
- Trail Cleanup: Of course, there is always trash clean-up- early spring is a good time to tackle trash that has blown into odd spots, before the vegetation grows!
- Stream Cleanup: Those with waterproof foot gear can help clear any debris from the stream bank.
Meet at the Glen Providence Park main entrance on West State Street in Media at 10:00 am. Bring gloves if you have them. Additional gloves generously provided by CRC Watersheds Association. We recommend long pants and long sleeves to protect against poison ivy, ticks, and thorns.
- If you’d like to tackle trash along the streambank, wear water proof boots!
- If you’d like to help remove invasives, bring thick gloves and pruners if you have them.
- If you’d like to help remove large trash, bring a shovel!
Rain plan:
Our rain date is Sunday, March 22. If the weather is not clear, we will post here and on our facebook wall by 8:45 am Saturday advising whether we will use the rain date.
* Observant readers may note that we originally scheduled our Early Spring Cleanup for Saturday, March 7. That turned out to be a bit too early in this long-lasting winter… there is no point doing a cleanup if debris is still hidden under snow! Let’s hope the snow is gone by March 21…
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