Public Input: Site Development Plan for Glen Providence Park!

Public input is needed for Delaware County’s draft proposals for Glen Providence Park! Delaware County Planning has put a lot of work into its Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan, and is nearing the end of its 3-year planning process. You can provide input in written comments until April 19, or at a March 30 public meeting (details below).
You read the complete (and detailed!) plan, including reports on other County parks, on the Delaware County website. We link here to the 62-page report on Glen Providence Park, which includes sections on current conditions, recommendations, soils, engineering, and an environmental survey. You can also view a pdf of the Site Development Plan. We will review the current report and provide our feedback to the County, and we encourage you to add your voice!
This final public meeting and written comment period will be the last in a line of opportunities for input into this project. For background, read our January 2012 summary of the project. In 2012, we attended a public meeting in February, and publicized the online survey that summer. We attended an additional public forum in March 2013, and shared the Concept Sketch Plan for Glen Providence Park – you can read our thoughts about that plan in our May 2013 feedback to the County. The current Site Development Plan appears to be an updated version of that 2013 Concept Sketch Plan.
Final opportunities for public input:
Monday, March 30 at 6:00 pm
Final public meeting
Council Meeting Room, 2nd floor, County Government Center Building, Media
An overview of the Plan will be presented
Sunday, April 19
Deadline to submit written comments to the County Planning Department
Email comments to:
Thank you for sharing your ideas and vision for Glen Providence Park!
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